It’s already frustrating how this society expects everyone to be s3x-hungry when it’s not even the reality. Way to make me feel at home (/sarc). I’m sex-positive, but I’m also realistic, and to be honest, I shouldn’t have to say it.

Not everyone wants to have s3x. Not everyone wants to have it as frequently as it is portrayed in the media. Or at all.

Saying that s3x is natural or is a natural feeling excludes asexuals and those on the ace-spectrum because of not feeling “standard” attraction (I’m ace-spec). It also invalidates those who are repulsed/aversed and those who are traumatized by sex (assault/molestation) and/or its media (not to be confused with sex-negative, a political counterpart to sex-positive). Not to mention, it feeds on the idea of alienating these individuals as “broken”, “unnatural”, and “disordered” (which the US literally labels it as a disorder 😡).

It may be natural to others, but not to everyone, and that is okay and 1000% valid!

Make it a place where those who are into s3x, those who aren’t into it, and those who are traumatized by it coexist with each other. Please! We need to be heard, too!! /srs

#Sex #LGBTQIA #asexual #Ace #Aphobia #SexualTrauma #Trauma #NotEveryoneWantsSex