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Not sure if I should stay or leave

I am dating this guy who is a really good friend of mine. He is going through a lot in his life. My bpd issues are at its height. Anything can make me sad/angry/depressed...I can go on with the list but I think you get the gist here. After the switch from friend to gf, I think I am making it worse for him. I think he’s sadder than before we started dating each other. What do you think should I do? I sure can’t control my emotions. Should I leave (I am a good friend of his) or should I stay (I can drive him crazy with my mood swings)?

#Bpdrelationships #Bpdandfriends #Notsurewheretogonext #MoodDisorders



I’m not feeling so well tonight, I had a “friend” that I was supposed to talk to, and he again ditched me. If we ever do talk, he’s very hostile and mean to me, but he’s the only friend I have, I have no other friends. He knows I don’t have many people in my life and he uses that to his advantage. I find it so cruel to have someone mess with my mentality, as I’ve been having very dark thoughts and I’m running out of options and I’m completely of any hope. I’m constantly either crying or have a headache, and my family isn’t the most supportive. My father has not really been there for me, my mother works 5 nights a week, and my older brother is also mean to me and drinks and all this makes me so miserable and I feel I’ll never improve. #Depression #SuicidalThoughtsAndTendencies #Notsurewheretogonext