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So little said #Selftalk

When I came across this picture it spoke volumes to me. Anxiety has so much languages yet silence to me is prevelant. My mind throwing tons of memories, notion, thought and ideas all which my be irrelevant but it overwhelming my everyday. Ever felt like you you remember every single negative thing done or said to you dating back to when you where little. In my opinion most people would have brushed it off and carried. Somehow my mind tell keeps a replay. Sort of effect your everyday situation when it should. Yet having the voice to advocate for you is the hardest part, Because voicing yourself just seems to scary and being #affraid you might say something that would hurt them and you regret forever. Silence seems to be the best option. #tolittlesaid #struggles #TheMighty #overthinker #overanalyzer #silence

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#Anxiety #overthinker #overanalyzer Any overthinkers out there? 🧠

I have found myself over thinking and analyzing my anxiety symptoms and fibro pains this is causing me more anxiety. Literally a vicious cycle. I guess i cant think myself out of it because it just magnifies it. I didn't realize how helpful it was to have those distractions such as the ability to go to the mall, go for a hike, going to work or going to the movies. Anyone else struggling right now?