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How to accept your mental health?

When you struggle to accept it as a part of you and want to push it away, be someone who isn’t anxiety prone or depressive prone but also how to accept it or be self compassionate even when it’s hard? #Anxiety #Shame #Barriers #struggles #Advice #TheMighty #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Support

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Why cant we please family; when we try our best?

My husband and I we try our best for living with inlaws ... But we feel used. Like house cleaning, chores and shopping. We do what is asked but if it not enough were put down in words.

Our disability is we chave difficulty remembering and understanding. But sometimes we feel like we are stupid or we are robotics. My husband has little Austim and I have TBI.

He and I feel emotional or mentally drain for not doing something right..

We cant afford to move out yet and I cant work. #Disability #Autism #Depression #struggles #MentalHealth

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Sucks when sometimes you appear happy outside and people think your struggles aren’t real

When you try to be happy/ not affect people by your struggles, or you’re naturally trying to be kind and distract yourself, but then people don’t believe you struggle with an invisible illness, such as anxiety/ depression etc.

I understand it’s hard and people mean well, but sometimes it’s tough when you feel shame or things like you aren’t valid enough even though only you can know your secret struggles .

#Anxiety #Depression #struggles #Emotions #Stereotypes #hard #notfaking #sad

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Sending you all a bit of love

For anyone struggling or going through a hard time whether it’s physical health, mental health or both, sending lots of love your way ❤️❤️❤️ it’s hard sometimes but you are tougher, hope you feel a little extra love and support today 💗 #physicalhealth #chronic #struggles #Selflove #hugsifyoulikethem #PositiveVibes #Energy #MentalHealth #TheMighty #MightyTogether #Selflove #Acceptance #Support

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What helps you balance between being positive and accepting/ validating your feelings and thoughts 💭

Finding a balance between being positive and also accepting your sometimes negative feelings or thoughts that aren’t always so happy and dandy.

Both are equally valuable, but I guess what helps you to be self-aware or manage them so it’s not one more than the other? When possible.

#Positivity #negativity #balance #mind #growing #norightorwrong #Anxiety #Depression #struggles #managing

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A couple years ago I was diagnosed with Cyclothymia. - Borderline Bipolar. Not considered Bipolar because I always had #stability and worked extra hard because I was a single mom. Up until last year I left my job of 5 years for More money. My life went downhill after that. The day I after I put my 2 week notice in I caught long term Covid and almost died. Lost my vision couldn’t walk or take. Some how I recovered. As soon as I did my kids moved out. I went into a deep depression and lost my job. My kids haven’t spoken to me since they left with a father that was gone the last 6 years. It affected my performance so I was let go after 6 months. And this week a tornado hit my storage and I lost everything. I spent the whole day yesterday in bed crying. I some home had managed to not turn to drugs and alcohol. Trying to cope and feel this but it’s getting out of hand. I go to the gym every day. Just reaching out for kind words and help really. What are some positive ways you guys and girls handle stress. What books have you read that helped better understand what your going through. #struggles #Bipolar #Cyclothymia #basicallybipolar #thinline #help #thissucks

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Help with work anxiety

:) I am at a new job and usually struggle to find or keep employment, so far everyone is nice and the training is better than at other places, but guess don’t want to feel alone in my struggles hiding my mental health at the workplace, maybe eventually I can reach out for help if they are accommodating, they offer some mental health supports partnerships so I’m incredibly lucky. Thanks for any tips and sharing your own story or struggles with work anxiety.

😊🙂🙂💕🙏 💼



#Newjob #Anxiety #coping #Trying #Hardwork #DoingMyBest #Hope #New #Life #struggles #Selflove #patience #growing #selfImprovement #resillience #Work #WorkAnxiety #Job #Brave #fears #Journaling #tryingtoovercomefears #SocialAnxiety #Coworkers #Nice #positive #positiveexperience

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Just a brief introduction :)

Hi, my name is casieeisac. I just completed a long-term residential rehab program in March. I'm doing ok but looking for people to connect with who understand the lived experience of addiction as a way to support my recovery. I'm about to have 1yr clean on June 18th, so that's nifty. I'm struggling with some, let's say, misunderstandings about recovery & how it works with my mom right now. She's constantly on me about something and she's accusing me of using lately. I can't leave her out of my life bc she is currently and has been caring for my daughter for the last 2yrs. It's all a little complicated. So, yeah, hi and thanks for letting me be part of your group. #hi #Recovery #struggles



I know that I’ll be struggling with how I feel physically this weekend. I got a bad cat bite last weekend and the antibiotics are takings their toll on me and I’m on them through Monday.
When I don’t feel good I struggle because I always feeling good. When I’m not feeling well, I feel sad and feel I’m missing things. I also find that I cry for my husband and my Father who died 9 months apart from a quick spreading cancer nearly a decade ago. My husband was 49 years old - high school sweetheart (pancreatic cancer - 7 weeks) my dad, (my hero) 75, lung cancer, 4 weeks. Just as I was mourning my dad, my husband started not feeling great. They left swiftly and very ill. I’ve long mastered the flashbacks but when I’m sick, I want one or both of them. I’m nearly 59 and and those core human needs they should. I’m only human.
Anyway, anticipating a struggle, I’ve made ice with my Ice maker to sip on some nice cold drinks, got my new Debbie McComber novel ready, got my laundry done and all my errands and switched shifts at work. I also have at least 20 ty notes to write and just maybe (SURPRISE) the antibiotics won’t hit me as hard as they usually do on day 5.
My point is, I know myself, when I know that illness is coming, I prepare…and I get through it more like a luxurious retreat than a sad, dark, miserable weekend. I’ve trained myself these past years. When you lose half of your heart, you learn to embrace the struggle 😊