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Does anyone get 'the feels' from works of art in the sky?

Can anyone else relate to this bucket-filling experience that I had?

Aside from the lightpost photobombing the shot, I loved the colors of the sky right around sunset tonight...maybe a little bit after sunset (technically). As an artist, I love to experiment with colors and see what comes of it. Looking at the sky, it's like a work of art right before my eyes and the colors are literally natural.

After I have had one of those moments in life when it's then 'time for a walk', to see something like this puts some drops in my bucket when I need it the most. To help my energy be regained some. I especially feel my bucket being filled when I don't expect a sky like this and then 'bam'!

What other kind of things fill your bucket when you really need it?

#PeaceOfMind #sunset #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #pani #DiabetesType1 #DistractMe #MentalHealth


When you miss your flight thanks to anxiety #Anxiety #pani

So 3 weeks ago, after an amazing month in Israel with family and friends, I had to go back Costa Rica, where I used to live in the last year.
While I am in the line for the plane, the anxiety comes to say hey, when I am on the plane I had a terrible panic attack. after struggling , crying, sweating, shaking, I decided to sit quiet and accept the fact that I have 4 hours till Madrid.
We landed. I have less than 1 hour till the second flight to Costa Rica. I was terrified.
another panic attack comes, and I just felt that physically I can't do it. I couldn't take the fact that I'm going to be 11 hours, alone, close in an airplane with no exit. 11 hours of anxiety and unexplainable fear. not from the flight itself, but fear from the anxiety, fear from lose control etc...
I slept at the airport, and day after I decided to take a flight back home, back to Israel.
3 weeks now, that half of my body is there, and half is here. I feel safe here, no doubt, but my heart wants to go back there, and the anxiety just stop me from doing that . it has been 2 year that I'm struggling with anxiety and panic attacks, but it never stopped me for doing things.
I'm still trying to figure it out... but at least with a smile

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