So I received a response today in discussing #ChronicIllness and it went to the effect of you will never have good days. And that kind of offput me. When I was diagnosed with #Endometriosis 5 years ago and realized my new normal, I adjusted what was a good day, a fair day, and rest day and just a really bad day. I came to terms with redefining what my life looked like. which I knew was important if I was going to ever function. As years have gone by, I have had to adjust more because of more diagnoses and restrictions. However, I always knew deep down inside that I still had purpose and a great life to lead, it just looks different than what may be considered good or normal to others. I have been in support groups where the tone is negative, and because of many experiences, I learned that that doesn't help me thrive. And I think that is what we sometimes forget as warriors, we are still human and we can still thrive. Yes, life is different but you can adapt as much as you can. I am not sunshine and rose petals every day, but I realize one thing: I am a thriver and my experiences have led my walk and that we are responsible for how we adapt and how we react to our new lives. As I say all the time, I am chronically ill, not dead. #chronicallyillandstrong #chronicillnesswarrior #patientpatient #heartpatient #endowarrior #autoimmunelife