People suck. They’re mean spirited and cruel and they SUCK. They don’t see a 36 year old with a walking stick and think to themselves, you know what I’m gonna make her day a little easier because that looks like it’s no fun at all. No. They bump into you and glare at you and treat you like crap everywhere you go, because why? Because you’re fat and ugly you must be some how deserving of the pain and discomfort you endure on a daily basis? I wouldn’t wish this crap on ANYONE. No-one, in the history of everyone EVER, had ever deserved to be in pain EVERY DAY for the rest of their lives.
I see people treat pregnant women and kids and old people like they should, so why not me? Do I have to put a sign around my neck? “Everything hurts please give me a break”. I shouldn’t have to say it. I shouldn’t have to ask. People should just open their eyes and figure it out for themselves, I’m so sick of trying to explain it to their deaf stupid ears.
#ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #painsucks #peoplearemean