My adventure with the Nietzschean Dreamscape is downright wonderful🙄! Every morning, as I rise, I feel like Friedrich Nietzsche facing his own "Eternal Return." As I enter this surreal world, my thoughts dance in a chaotic symphony, tripping over the remnants of reality that insist on challenging my logic.
Imagine being both the creator and observer of your own narrative, like Nietzsche toying with the idea of the Übermensch while breaking the metaphorical chains of social expectations. But my Nietzschean Dreamscape offers no such freedom, at least not without cost😐. I teeter on the edge between ego and id, watching these two forces battle for supremacy in my mind.
This constant suspension, this oscillation between reality and a two-dimensional abstraction where everything simultaneously is and is not, forces me to reflect on the very essence of self😐. Nietzsche might be proud, perhaps even offering sardonic remarks about my creation of a personal philosophical realm.
I'm unsure if this is true freedom or merely an illusion, bordering on constant conflict and dichotomy. But one thing is certain: the irony of my situation lies in its extraordinary simplicity - I need no prophet to tell me I've been in the Nietzschean Dreamscape too long. #Schizophrenia #SchizophreniaSpectrumPsychoticDisorders #MentalHealth #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #quietbordereline #Psychosis #DissociationDisorders #BPD #DistractMe