My #BrainFog these past few weeks has really reached new levels. I can see the word I want to say in my head, I can visualise it, but can I get the blasted word out? No. I also used to be able to do a medium sudoku, had to abandon an easy one yesterday after only about 20 minutes because my brain just couldn’t do it. At work before the Christmas break, I had to work out someone’s date of birth... I had their passport right in front of me and I still couldn’t tell my colleague the date of birth 🙄 I have gotten through the past few years of #bladderpainsyndrome #InterstitialCystitis and in the past 9 months #Fibromyalgia alright, but increasing amounts of #FibroFog / #BrainFog is really started to grind my patience... any tips on exercises or coping with this #mightywarriors? I’m not ready to give in and vacate my seat in the house of knowledge and wit of #ravenclaw 🦅 (