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Trauma is not a diagnosis, but an invisible wound.

Trauma is not a diagnosis. Experiencing emotional turmoil after receiving a life-threatening diagnosis creates an intense sense of danger and leaves a lasting scar. This profound emotional wound constitutes trauma. Enduring pain is a natural part of being human, and our resilience helps us navigate trauma over time. A wise counsellor can assist you through the difficult days. There is always hope.

#DrBarbaraLouw #healingjourney #inmyrosegarden #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #MedicalTrauma #Oncology #selfcare

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Trauma is not a diagnosis, but an invisible wound.

Trauma is not a diagnosis. Experiencing emotional turmoil after receiving a life-threatening diagnosis creates an intense sense of danger and leaves a lasting scar. This profound emotional wound constitutes trauma. Enduring pain is a natural part of being human, and our resilience helps us navigate trauma over time. A wise counsellor can assist you through the difficult days. There is always hope.

#DrBarbaraLouw #healingjourney #inmyrosegarden #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #MedicalTrauma #Oncology #selfcare

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Medical trauma can leave you feeling voiceless.

You didn’t choose the earth-shattering diagnoses – you had a stroke, you have cancer, you need an amputation – you could die. Medical personnel speak in their terminology, and you feel lost. Suddenly, you don’t seem to understand the meaning of common words, and the world becomes an overwhelming, too-loud place.

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Managing Your Experience of Medical Trauma Step 1

No pain is insignificant. Suffering is universal.

Many people are too quick to say that "no matter what you are going through, someone has it worse" or "there is always someone with bigger problems". It is emotionally dismissive and conveys the message that your struggle is insignificant and that you are concern is, how is the situation affecting you? Full article:

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Supporting a loved one who is ill

Supporting a loved one who is ill is a new and precious part of your relationship. As you embark on a road trip to wholeness, you will grow with that person.

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If you feel helpless or stuck I invite you to contact me and make an online or in-person appointment today!

#DrBarbaraLouw #inmyrosegarden #Blog #healingjourney #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Recovery #Trauma #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Support #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #MedicalTrauma #Oncology #AquillaWellnessSolutions

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What I Didn't Know About Breast Cancer at 36

I did not know that the radiation they gave me would cause my body to create scar tissue that would cause years of pain and suffering and even more surgery. I did not know that when testing for BRCA 20 years later, needing to have my ovaries removed and a double mastectomy would lead me down a path of a dozen surgeries for reconstruction due to massive infections, necrosis, lymphedema, and the heartbreak of finding I had passed this gene on to one of my daughters. I did not know that the side that had the massive radiation field tattooed on my body would be so fragile that they finally needed to use part of my abdomen to create skin for the tissue to heal. I did not know that weight fluctuations would leave one side almost flat compared to the other. 30 years ago, I did not know.
#Cancer #reconstruction #NippleReconstruction


Breast cancer, 10 years on #BreastCancer #reconstruction

I was diagnosed with rampant breast cancer 2 weeks after my 26th birthday.
It’s been just over ten years since my left breast was completely removed and for a while I could deal with being lop sided, but last year I finally went to chat with the surgeons about reconstruction.
I’m booked for a DIEP flap on 6th June and I’m scared pantless even though I’ve been waiting for this since last August.
I have other chronic health conditions so while I am excited to finally have a ‘pair’ again I am so worried about the recovery, so has anyone got any good tips for a positive physical and mental recovery? Many thanks in advance ❤️
#Cancer #Recovery #positive #reconstruction #planningforsucess

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