Learn to fail better next time
Your mind is a garden and your thoughts are the seeds. We are not born a good 'gardener', but we can listen and learn to become.
Good gardeners don't ignore the signs: They listen to others experience, address a problem and plant what is appropriate for their surrounding. They learn from their own successes and failures and, come spring, do it all again. They learn to fail better next time.
Your 'plants' need water and care, but just like in your garden, if you don't pull the weeds, they will undermine your efforts - if ignored, they will eventually make their presence felt and spoil your dream.
Learn to recognize your weeds and let them be another's 'treasure'...
#Depression #MentalHealth #Anxiety #PTSD #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #CPTSD #ComplexPTSD #relationsships #selfcare #EmotionalNeglect #empath #CumulativeTraumaDisorders