So right now me and my gf are on a 4 day streak of not fighting. Before quarantine we didn’t fight very much but we have not seen each other for 3 month or more so we are always on edge (plus we can’t leave home like everyone else so everybody is already more angered easily) but we have been using the plan I’ve made in my previous 5 posts and it has been going amazing. I just thought I would post a positive update for once to show everyone that aslong as you push through and keep on trying... things can seriously get better. I am also starting DBT and group DBT (after quarintine) which I am very excited for! I hope all of you are doing okay... keep your head up!🖤 #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Relationships #AngerManagement #relatioshipproblems #BORDERLINEPROBLEMS #Depression #Anxiety