I just realized how old these posts are, and the time between them- we’re a sad group... anyone still here? Who’s still struggling? Anyone manage to get some clean time? Anyone not know that there’s fentanyl in almost all meth going around now? Anyone tried a prescription for Vivance as a replacement therapy? (Not approved use, but its being talked about)

What else is going on with everyone? They ask you not to talk in 12 step if you’re still using, and since I cant stay stopped I have nowhere to talk, which is why I appreciate this space so much. If you have stopped, what is your current favorite thing about not using, and your current thing you’re struggling with?

Perhaps for us who are still using as well- what is your favorite thing/strongest attachment to it? What is the thing you hate most about it?

Photo- my buddy and me sending love to a friend who got out and is still clean. We all wish we could be together, but we know the reality too
#Addiction #Methaddiction #Recovery #Relapse #retread #gottagetupandtryandtryandtry