Why am I stuck? I’m scared, I’m scared of change, scared of loosing things that I’m used too. I’m a creature of habit. But what I’m slowly realising is that this fear of change is a part of my anxiety. It’s stopping me from finding a new job. I’m doubting myself and my abilities that I look at jobs and think to myself, I can’t do that. Most decent paid jobs need you to drive. I have put off learning to drive for so long now, no money and anxiety being the main factors. My anxiety has held me back for so long. The voice inside that tells me and pushes me to do crazy things like martial arts tells me I can do it easily but my anxiety drowns it out and I doubt myself and end up not doing a thing.
I want to move forward but I’m scared, I feel alone in how I feel and utterly scared to talk to anyone about it because I feel stupid. Like it’s something wrong.

#feelingstuck #Anxiety #scared #scaredofchange #feelingstupid