Was going to write about how when I wake up, I’m never able to go back to sleep, even when it’s an option, even when it’s one of the rare days I actually WANT to sleep in. Can’t do it. Takes less than a minute for my brain to go “oh, it’s morning?” to beginning the list of things I have to do, the things I want to do, the ways I might manage to mess them up anyway, what I *should* have said last night, and so on. After that there’s no going back. I could lay in bed another 4 hours but not get a wink of sleep. The wheels on this perpetual cog are turning and won’t stop until they fall off from exhaustion. And of course I never know when that will happen because I never know what sort of ME I’ll get today. #depressed ? #Motivated ? #empty ? #Irritable ? Or the elusive #SeeminglyContent (yet still terrified that it will go away at any minute)...or most likely all of the above?

I started my writing above with “Was”, because my initial thought of course was that whatever I have to say is probably boring. Probably irrelevant. Probably a complaint being heard by others who have admittedly far more challenging hurdles to face.

Then I wrote anyway. Because I want to be stronger than my #SelfDoubt . Because maybe this will resonate with someone just like so many others’ postings have resonated with me. And the icing on the cake is that taking the time to write this little rambling has provided me with about 30 lovely minutes of internal peace. I’ll take it. Good morning to you all.

(Also hoping I can share this beautiful and appropriate illustration I found by giving proper credit)