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Got in another argument with my mom this morning and I hung up on her. I told her I got me and pauley matching teddy bear onesie pajamas. She thought it was stupid. Then I mentioned how I want to cuddle with her while we're wearing them and she got mad at me and said it was gross. She thought I was talking about a sexual act. I said that I don't do sex anymore. Then she yelled at me and said I need to calm down. So I said I'll talk to her later and hung up.

I'm so fed up with my mom. But I'm also fed up with being compared to heterosexual cisgender standards. I keep forgetting that people often think physical affection has to lead to sex.

And my mom doesn't understand asexuality. But a lot of people don't. When I told my neighbor that I am asexual she thought that meant I'm interested in every gender. I had to explain bisexual, pansexual, and asexuality. Then she said I am boring.

I've got a really bad migraine and pauley didn't refill my sumatriptan. I took a tramadol but it didn't help. And my back is trashed. We're getting picked up at about 130pm for my X-ray appointment. I'm just hoping my pain goes away before we go.

Pauley doesn't have any money so I paid for her meds this morning. She really needs to do some billing.

#ChronicPain #Migraine #Asexuality #sexualaversiondisorder

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Asexuality is a spectrum , your mileage may vary

When the topic of sex is brought up in my life I always say that I am Ace. But I'm not. The problem is nobody can wrap their minds around sexual aversion disorder. So when I got into a relationship with my girlfriend, her boyfriend freaked out. He thinks we're going to eventually do the sex. He thinks ace people still have sex sometimes because his trans spouse identified as Ace but they have sex 2x per year. He's afraid I'll replace him. Which I think it's hilarious.

I've given some really good resources on jealousy in poly dynamics to my girlfriend so she can talk with him about his feelings. I'm not gonna talk to him about my sexual aversion. He was told many times and he's not listening. He needs to get over his drama.

#Relationships #aceerasure #Polyamory #sexualaversiondisorder