I know I posted something like this in the past, but I need to know that others have experienced this too. As a sexual abuse survivor, I have been very confused about my sexual orientation. I want to believe that I am straight(I have a boyfriend that I love very much). However I will have days when I question if I am bisexual or not.
I never had the chance to explore my sexuality for myself the way other kids and teens do, perhaps this is why I am confused. I was trying to look up research on the topic and it mainly focused on men that have been sexually abused. I was wondering if the same applies to women. There’s a part of me that tells me I’m straight (I was thinking of dating a female friend of mine but something stopped me) I’m not sure what, maybe it was my true sexuality? Is it normal to be confused? Does the gender of your abuser have an influence (my abuser was a man). Any validation would be appreciated. #SexualAbuse #sexualorientation #confusingthoughts #PTSD