Tomorrow is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life #Inspiration #Sharing #hopingtohelp
The picture on my post was something that I put together about 3 years ago. I was extremely unhappy with everything in my life. It seemed that everything I was doing was pointless and nothing was worthwhile. Then I put my feelings down on paper and posted it on social media (to this day I have no idea why or what I was expecting). The post was shared on pages and I woke up to 100’s of messages from strangers simply saying “thank you”. I was flabbergasted! I had made a positive impact on someone else’s life by doing nothing but sharing my thoughts. It gave me a boost too, and I was able to slowly get my head together. Remember, you’re not alone and a problem shared, is a problem halved 👌 #sharedproblems #yourenotalone #wevegotthis #Youvefallenbutyoucanriseagain #youvegotthis