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Prednisone and hair loss

Has anyone out there had massive hair loss while on prednisone and what helps ? # prednisone #Hair loss #Sjorgren


Nice to have a name for it

The word “lethologica” describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.

From the Facts app:

#Anxiety #Depression #Fibro #FibroFog #Sjorgren's Syndrome



I look for small but important things each week that can grow into a habit, hopefully; however, this week I'm going for self care on a more immediate scale.

This week (today 😁) I will not allow myself to be more concerned with others wellness than my own.

#Anxiety #Sjorgren's syndrome #Depression

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This week I will not feel guilty for prioritizing myself over others. I struggle with this daily. I have always been the one to handle things for others, the caretaker, not the one being cared for. Perfect example happened just 2 days ago, I had to have 3 nails removed on my right foot so driving was out, walking was a challenge of balance, and once I was home I wqs supposed to elevate foot and stay off it as much as possible. My bestie who is my only support locally took off work and then cared for me including making dinner since I had to stay off my foot. I felt so amazingly guilty about the whole day. he drove me across town to appointment, waited an hour and a half for me then brought me home and settled me in my spot. he spent the rest of the day making sure I had water and anything else I needed then made me dinner even though he didn't eat and made sure I was safely in bed. not a big deal, at least he said it wasn't, but I thanked him many times and the guilt is still there for not doing "my job" around the house that day or yesterday. My little thing this week is going to be hard for me but each week I've thought that and each week I've felt good when I've completed my goal and have tried to make each goal a habit towards improving my life. #52SmallThings #Sjorgren 's Syndrome #Anxiety #Fibro



This week my self-care is yo eat a better more balanced diet to give myself the fuel to feel better and hopefully loose some weight as well. #52SmallThings #Sjorgren 's Syndrome #Depression #Anxiety #Fibro