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How we are perceived:

There are two common ways an invisible disability or mental health condition can look from an outside perspective:
1- The person is doing really well and is completely fit and healthy.
2- Omg! They look in a really bad way shall we call an ambulance?
There are problems with both of these views. These issues are:
1- Invisible illnesses are invisible for a reason, just because it can't be seen doesn't mean it isn't there. Mental health struggles are in the head also meaning they cannot always be seen, a person may seem fine on the outside but could be suicidal on the inside. Trust the person with what they say, know that they have more experience with it than you and offer help when they ask.
2- Many invisible illnesses can flare up to a point where they are difficult not to be spotted however for some people this is normal and calling emergency services can lead them to a long day in hospital with lots of tests which they do not need as they already have a diagnosis. Many of these conditions are hard to spot and not commonly known so mainstream hospitals can really struggle with how to help so trust their carers word and their own if they can speak.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Keep on growing towards the sun 🌻💛 #Depression #sunflower


s m o g #Depression #Poetry #loneliness #Thoughts

I'm lost in the fog,
few things excite me,
nothing amazes me
I want to reach the light
but I am a shadow myself

-T #sunflower


M o o d #sad #Poetry #Depression #Suicide #sunflower

I don't even know what I feel
But I burst
I want to fill the void
and i just increase it
I just increase it.
Give me your hand before the tide sinks me.
Before time passes,
we can stop it now.
Before the storm envelops us,
We can escape from the world
and maybe, never come back
