urge incontinence

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This Bed, Incontinence, and Fat Me

This motel bed is worn out from my fat body and the limited space I have on it. I sit up on the bed, and my abdomen sits over my legs, and it causes my right thigh a lot of discomfort. I can't find a position that works except leaning back and to the left, but then I have my phone too close to my eyes (and most positions I sit in, I fall into leaning forward, so the phone's too close to my eyes even then. Leaning back doesn't always help, either.

The bed I'd sunk in, and the times I've wet the bed (yes, I use bed pads, but when I've emptied my full bladder, it's not enough, plus my boyfriend only gets the cheapest bed pads and underwear, and they don't even carry my size in any brand in the stores.

Yes, I *am* trying to lose weight, but I'm limited as to what I can eat, and when I stay at the motel instead of going out, like I did today (because I'm sick), I have to rely on what my boyfriend's willing to get me. I only eat one meal a day, and a bag of chocolates as a snack. It's terrible, I know, but it's hard to find healthy snacks you don't have to refrigerate, especially if you crave sweets.

I'm getting drowsy again, so I'm going to stop here.

#urge incontinence
#overactive bladder


Well, I Did It Again

I have urge incontinence. I leaked when I got up, and it got on my shoes. This means going through physical and mental things that leave me sweaty, exhausted, anxious, and so on. On top of everything, I have a cold. When I told my boyfriend, he cursed out loud. He got mad at me and wanted instructions on what I needed him to do at times when I needed to focus on the task at hand. I'd asked him to get backup shoes for situations like this. When urine gets on my shoes, I need new ones. I'm so exhausted and sleepy. I'm also sick. Why does he have to yell at me for stuff I can't help, especially when I'm so exhausted, sweaty, physically, mentally, emotionally, and I'm getting sleepy. I feel bad enough when this happens. Why does he have to make me feel worse?

#urge incontinence


I've been struggling with #incontinence since I was 33. It first started as an overnight problem but quickly evolved into a constant problem. I did seek help from my primary care physician who referred me to a #urologist. I tried several #medications before eventually taking #vesicare 10mg. It definitely helps but I also have to play my part with fluid intake ( what and how much). With my #mentalhealth issues my #bladderincotinence has driven me to near #suicide and #relapse of #drugs and #alcohol. I spent plenty of time talking with my #therapist and #psychiatrist which does help. I used to avoid people and places due to tremendous #anxiety over possibly having an accident or someone finding out I wear #bladderprotection. I still go back and forth with this struggle. I'm trying so hard to own it, accept it and do what I have to do to protect myself in many situations. I do wear a #diaper to sleep and most times while awake (different ones for awake and sleeping). Anyone else dealing with similar issues?
#urge incontinence #oab #NocturnalEnuresis #bladderproblems #adultdiapers #bladdermedication #embarrassing

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