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Seeking a counselor in 2 weeks

I had my doctor’s appointment on November last year. On the day of my appointment, I had a basic checkup as usual. When my doctor came inside the room, she told me that I’ve gained 20 more pounds since the last appointment (that was about 6 months before the appointment). My doctor proceeded to tell me that if I don’t change my lifestyle, I will not only get diabetes, I will also end up having problems with my liver (Non Alcoholic Liver disease) by the time I’m in my 30s or if not sooner. My BMI is 40, which is already extreme obesity.

When she told me that, I finally decided to tell my doctor about my mental health and the reason why I’m unable to change. I told her about how my disorder, ADHD, is keeping me from changing my lifestyle and how it’s affected other areas in my life. I told her that because of my inability to change, it took a toll on my mental health. The only reason why I finally decided to say something instead of remain silent was because I truthfully don’t want to have health problems at a young age. I know that if I don’t do anything about my mental health, my physical health will grow worse until I eventually start suffering from health problems related to diabetes.

My doctor sent a referral to a counselor which I’m scheduled to go to in about 2 weeks. To be quite honest, I’m doubtful that a counselor can actually help me. I don’t think anybody can help me. I just feel like I’m unfixable. I don’t want to suffer with major health problems in the future, but at the same time it’s hard for me to change. I’m in a position where I’m just stuck, like I’m forced to just sit and wait for fate to decide what will happen to me. #Obesity #ADHD

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I am overweight and my doctor says I need to lose weight. Any advice on how to lose 80 pounds safely and quickly?

Years ago my dad put me on a weight loss medication called Adipex and it made me lose all the weight but it caused me to breakout all over my face now my face is full of marks but on the bright side I am going to a dermatologist now. I gained back the weight even more now. I hope to never go back on any pills that make me breakout on my face that made me feel so embarrassed. Does anyone know how I can lose the weight quickly and safely? I am on medications for mental illness and they make me feel hungry. I just want to lose the weight naturally. It’s hard because both of my parents are diabetic and my mom likes to feed me. It would mean the world to me if I lost all this weight naturally forever and kept off all the unwanted weight forever
#CheckInWithMe #MightyTogether #Disability #Obesity #ChronicIllness #Trauma #Selfharm #Suicide #BipolarDisorder #Schizophrenia #MentalHealth #MajorDepressiveDisorder #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Addiction #Anxiety #Psychosis #Autism #ADHD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

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It’s been 2 years #ADHD #SuicidalThoughts

It’s been approximately 2 years since I’ve last posted, and I will admit a lot has changed.

Two years ago I was in a dark place. I felt hopeless, and I saw myself as a failure. When I was younger, I never really understood what was wrong with me, and as a result, I chose to not seek professional help because I felt nobody would understand me especially since I didn’t know what I was going through myself.

Thinking back now, I now understand that my ADHD + my medication for ADHD (I no longer take this medication) is the reason why my mental health went downhill. ADHD affects my ability to do certain important tasks, and it also affects my ability to take care of my hygiene and physical health.

At the same time, I also lacked social skills because I spent most of my life inside the house doing nothing but playing games and watch YouTube. Because of my inability to get myself to do anything combined with my lack of friends, I felt lonely and like a failure. I saw myself as a failure because I couldn’t get myself motivated enough to do simple things such as getting myself a job or basically anything.

That’s why, I decided to plan my suicide after graduating high school, but at the last minute I hesitated so instead, I waited for my mom to kick me out of the house so that I won’t have any reason to live anymore. But later on, I attempted to get a job which wasn’t easy because I tried to resist my feelings.

Now two years later, I have a job, and I’ve been in college for about two years. I haven’t had suicidal thoughts since the day I got accepted into the job. I can say my mental health has gotten a little better, but I’m not completely healed.

I still do feel lonely sometimes because I still lack social skills, and I still spend a lot of my time in the house (and yes, I’m aware that it’s unhealthy to be inside the house all the time) . Sometimes I have small depression episodes. I’m assuming the reason why I get small depressive episodes is because of the lack of dopamine in my brain. I usually get these episodes after eating a large unhealthy meal or just random. Usually, when I feel this way, I tend to feel drowsy and sad. Listening to music is kind of like a dopamine booster to me because sometimes I’ll suddenly feel, happy, energetic, and motivated to do anything which is why I tend to listen to music when I feel sad sometimes.

To this day, I try to avoid thinking about negativity by distracting myself in playing games and watching YouTube, because my symptoms from two years ago would likely return. My symptoms would also likely return when my physical health starts going downhill because of my obesity or when I start living in a house of my own due to loneliness.

Overall, my mental health is a little better than it was before from 2 years ago, but I know I’m not fully healed as I’m still at risk of old symptoms returning.

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is lostandalone. I'm looking for people to talk to. Who can at the very least understand what I’m feeling, even when I can’t find the right words to to express those feelings!!!

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #ADHD #Asthma #Obesity

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I hate being hungry all the time. #Obesity

First just let me clarify that English is not my 1st language.
I've been diagnosed with BPD, Major depression and Social Anxiety. I also have high blood pressure and diabetes. It always seems like. I'm craving for something, at this time I'm unemployed so I don't know if this is because I can't find a job, because when I'm working, I'm totally ok with just one meal a day. Does anyone have any advice for me?
Thank you.

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Thunder thighs #Anxiety #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Obesity

All of my adult life I've been embarrassed to wear shorts or dresses above the knees because of my thunder thighs. Well, it's a new day and a new way. It's hot and I'm about to trot.

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Some interesting Facts from Netflix's New Documentary, 'Hack Your Health: The Secrets to your Gut'

The gut is the center of a biomedical revolution. This whole field is disrupting modern medicine.

Autism, Depression, Anxiety, Parkinsons, and Cancer are ALL related to the gut microbiome

Our gut affects our whole body. The gut is the second brain. Our brains have never existed without signals coming from the gut.

70% of our immune system lives in our gut.

You get your first habitable microbes when you are born out of your mother's womb. We shape our gut microbiome based on our experiences. The relationships you have, the pets you have, exercise, stress, the food you eat. Because of this, everyone has different microbiomes. It is a collection of microbial memories.

Knowing the microbiome is the key to health is key because you can't change your genes. BUT you can change your microbes by simple edits to your diet and lifestyle.

The modern-day microbiome is pretty unhealthy and is pushing up to this prevalent rise in chronic conditions such as hypertension, food allergies, diabetes, obesity, etc. The way we think about disease needs to change.

Changes to our environment. Western diet. the way babies are born (c-section), baby formula, sanitation, and antibiotics, all lead to decreased microbiome diversity, Exactly what we see in today's industrialized microbiome.

Currently, in the states, 60% of the calories eaten are ultra-processed and ultrally refined. This strips it of its natural ingredients and adds in a ton of processed sugars and chemicals.

When you look at quote healthy labels, it is hard to depict what is even in it. Most healthy labels are full of sugars and processed chemical components. Because of this, it is very hard to navigate what you should be eating. The food and wellness world is incredibly confusing.

Current recommendations in the United States recommend 28-40g of fiber per day, HOWEVER on average we are only eating 15g at most in the average American diet. The field of microbiome science is realizing we need to be eating access to 50g of fiber per day. If you don't feed your microbes fiber, they start to eat you. If you stop eating dietary fiber, the microbes need to start eating something. If there is no fiber, it will start to eat away at your mucosal gut lining and spread to various parts of your body, causing inflammation all over. Which can lead to many diseases such as IBD or IBS.

If a gut microbiome is very diverse and has a different variety of bacteria, then it can adapt to what life throws at us. A bouquet of possibilities.

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#CheckInWithMe - Hello Depression My Old Friend

#Depression #Anxiety #Autism #AutismSpectrumDisorder

Well I am depressed again. I had a job interview for a full time at the library I work at a few weeks ago and I did not get it. I was heavily depressed during the weekend and it made me self-aware of a lot of things wrong with me. My autism, my obesity, my anxiety, etc. I do not know how to feel anymore. Any advice?

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What are we celebrating?! (MARCH)

national developmental disabilities month
Women’s history
National MS Education and Awareness Month
March 1-31: Alport Awareness Month March 1-31: Brain Injury Awareness Month
March 1-31: Brain Tumor Awareness Month (UK only)
March 1-31: Deep-Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month
March 1-31: Malignant Hyperthermia Awareness Month
March 1-31: Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
March 1-31: Myeloma Action Month
March 1-31: National Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month
March 1-31: National Cheerleading Safety Month
March 1-31: National Colorectal Cancers Awareness Month
March 1-31: National Endometriosis Awareness Month
March 1-31: National Kidney Month
March 1-31: National Nutrition Month
March 1-31: Problem Gambling Awareness Month
March 1-31: Save Your Vision Month
March 1-31: Trisomy Awareness Month
March 1-31: Workplace Eye Wellness Month
March 1-6: National Aplastic Anemia & MDS Awareness Week
March 2: World Teen Mental Wellness Day
March 3: World Birth Defects Day
March 3: World Hearing Day
March 4: HPV Awareness Day
March 4: World Obesity Day
March 5: Dissociative Identity Disorder Awareness Day
March 7: National Hospitalist Day
March 10: National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 10-16: Patient Safety Awareness Week
March 10-16: Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week
March 10-16: Sleep Awareness Week
March 11-17: Brain Awareness Week
March 14: World Kidney Day
March 15: World Sleep Day
March 17-23: National Poison Prevention Week
March 18-24: National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
March 20: National Native American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 20: World Oral Health Day
March 21: World Down Syndrome Day
March 24: World Tuberculosis Day
March 26: Epilepsy Awareness – Purple Day
March 26: American Diabetes Alert Day
March 30: National Doctors’ Day
March 30: World Bipolar Day
March 17: Saint Patrick’s Day
March: autoimmune diseases awareness month

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