I have been judged today in a psychological report. It's only so I can seek compensation from the Defendant at the case I am attaining to next month.. That this report was ask to be prepared, but in its preparation, I have been shown and judged as a liar, junkie drug seeking opioid dependence user that requires a long term stent in a multipurpose rehabilitation life changing centre. They have judged my mental health, pointing out that I have psychotic issues that need immediate help and I will only meld down within a month to 4 months without this report and their therapy. I don't believe that because they knew nothing about me except the half dozen papers they were given to ask the questions they needed to answer and ask me.... My psychosis, drug use or whether I did or not lie has nothing to do with them and how it came to creating a report based on the judging me and and making me look like a clueless lying drugseeking opioid dependence psychotic mental crazy that needs to be in the nut asylum right away due to a horrid child up bringing...but that not the truth! The truth is please stop judging me. I've been judged from the first moment I was passed into this world. Can I have a fell moments and some kind words that don't judge me, but rather motivate me to start caring about life again? Negativity is killing me and no one understands what's going on... That shit hurts the soul!!!
#CheckInWithMe #bepositive #kindwords ,Kind Hearts #haveaheart ,StopJudgingOthers!