My almost 3 year old son has a little bug that he got from daycare and has been out sick. My boss is not understanding at all that I had to call out of my 5 hour shift at the pharmacy (I never call out) and was unable to find coverage. I know it's getting busier at work and they rely on us but there is only so much I can do if my son is sick and can't go to daycare. I already struggle to pay my bills and I dont want to be worried about losing my job because I'm being a good mom.
Side note: when covid started I was working 60+ hour weeks because everyone else was sick and I knew we needed the coverage. Idk if I'm being over sensitive or what I'm hurt that she seems to not care about anything but herself and the job. #workingmoms #Anxiety #MentalHealth #BipolarDepression
How do you all balance work, parenting and your mental health?