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#15 .. You can keep going.

#ChronicPain #AnxietySymptoms #PTSD . I'm learning to make & follow through with daily small goals. Once a small goal, even if I complete just one, I feel more confident. It is key to start small, for me, I set 2 small goals a day. I must take baby steps, small, yet doable tasks. I'm trying to work on the ability to move past set-backs, disappointments, & living with chronic pain every day. My mobility is a big issue now, as I can barely move & walk. So in order for me to center myself & try to deal with each of these, but one issue at a time. It is a lot of work, but I finally am seeing some improvement. I need to keep my mind in the right place, & realize that I am doing the best I can for now, one day at a time, & work on keeping my mind in the optimistic position. I cannot allow negative thoughts to overtake my mindset. It is not easy, but I feel worthy of this work, it is allowing me to move slowly forward. Progress, no matter how 'small's it may seem, is a constant in allowing me to get through each day. Thank you for this Mighty community, where I feel understood & not 'alone'. My family has no clue how much of a struggle my current life has become. I turn to this community for stability & re-enforcement. Day by day, small goals, makes a big difference. Thanks to all of you, & all take care & never "GIVE-UP! KEEP HOPE, & FAITH ❣ 🙏🏻❤👍😉