Does anyone have experience with acupuncture?
I’d love to try it, but I want to know what other people thought as well. Thanks!
#Acupunture #Pain #ChronicPain #BackPain #ChronicMigraines #Alternativemedicine #ChronicIllness
I’d love to try it, but I want to know what other people thought as well. Thanks!
#Acupunture #Pain #ChronicPain #BackPain #ChronicMigraines #Alternativemedicine #ChronicIllness
I was recently told to try acupuncture (something I never saw myself trying) and today was my first appointment.. I guess I felt relaxed during it but I was laying down and tired so don’t know if it was actually effective.. have you heard of anything / had any experiences with it? #Acupunture #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome