Hi everyone , I've just found you so thought I'd introduce myself and ask a question.
I suffer from Adrenal Insufficiency, so I take steroids to artificially produce Cortisol & keep me going, 3 times daily, at 8am, noon & 4pm, (5pm at the latest).
I usually have my last regular meds around 9pm, watch TV or read for an hour or two, but I've usually fallen asleep around 10.30 - 11. By not long after midnight, I'm wide awake, if I'm lucky I'll get to 1am but not very often. I just ger up and read draw or paint, crochet or similar. I find myself looking at the clock waiting to feel sleepy again, but by 5am I will feel it, then must just go out like a light as my alarm wakes me at 7am. Then it's time to have breakfast ready to take 8am meds.
I'm lucky if I get 2-3 hrs of sleep a night, until about once a fortnight I will sleep in bed still, until maybe 5am, then, as my husband says, that's it for another few weeks.
I've tried being physically as active as I can, with limited mobility (chronic pain, fibromyalgia etc) so I feel I'll have a good sleep, but it's no use. I'm wondering if anyone else has trouble staying asleep, dropping off is no problem at all.
I've spoken to my Endocrine consultant and GP but they don't have any answers. My GP told me he wouldn't dare give me even 1 night of sleeping tablets, incase I didn't wake up.
It's really getting me down, I'm more depressed now, than over the kadt year. I'm soooo tired and I just want yo sleep & feel refreshed for a change.
Any advice is greatly appreciated, sorry for long post, but thanks in advance #adrenalin sufficiency #Fibromyalgia #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CFS #DegenerativeDiscDisease #exhausted #nosleep #myalgicencephalitis #Alwaystired #Cantsleep