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…unsure. [Revelation 22:20-21]

I look back over the year, 2020…

vision gained? unsure.
a project completed?  check.
have I become more kind?
red spirits drift across my eyes.
time continues.  bodies age.
wrinkles and greys… opportunity and grace.

is there any key revelation?  unsure.
the Mediator says that He’s coming back soon.
I almost hope it would be now,
to take us all home.

there’s an agreement in my spirit.
can I verbalise it? unsure.
He’s still working at redeeming my pain
with a gentle love that just won’t let me go.
my stubborn attempts at survival
dovetailing with truth and revival.

what’s the moral of this story?  unsure.
as much as I long for closure,
2020 has left me with more questions than answers,
and so it seems fitting that my search will continue,
looking for brightness that trumps all artificial light.
our lamps are temporary, but God’s light is eternal.

did I get the benediction I seek?  unsure,
but it’s certainly funny
that the last 2 verses of the bible
are 20 and 21.

© Mark Bryant.  December 31st, 2020.
[Revelation 22:20-21]


Revelation 22:20-21

22:20 He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!”  Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!  21 May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s holy people.

New Living Translation (NLT)Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


…great white throne. [Revelation 20-22]

the earth and sky break their dovetail.
they try to flee from the Presence,
but there’s no escaping
from this 20/20 vision…
no place to hide
from Almighty God
on His great white throne.

death and the grave hold power for now.
we all have found our mortal kindred spirit,
but there’s no escaping
from this revelation…
death has already been denied
by the Mediator
beside His great white throne.

the hungry and thirsty cry out.
they cry out for truth and love
but there’s no escaping
this opportunity for starvation…
one day, their hope and longing will be satisfied
from the river that flows
from the great white throne.

the curse and darkness are in agreement.
they themselves live in grace for now,
but there’s no escaping their termination…
there’s going to be no need for light
with Almighty God reigning
on His great white throne.

God’s name is written on our forehead.
His home will be among His people.
there’ll be no stopping this celebration…
these are the blessings in store for the upright,
the redeemed children of their Father
who sits on the great white throne.

© Mark Bryant. December 30th, 2020.
[Revelation 20:11-15; 21:1-7; 22:1-5, 12-14, 17]



…am I ready? [Revelation 16-19]

what am I dressed in?
am I dressed in blood cleansed white…
a kindred spirit with the martyrs?
am I ready?
ready to be dovetailed into the family…
called, chosen, faithful?

what am I dressed in?
am I dressed in the purest white…
good deeds. the mediator and revelation?
am I ready?
ready to worship in grace and truth…
faith, hope, love?

what am I dressed in?
am I dressed in modest white…
without opportunity to be ridiculed or ashamed?
am I ready?
ready to be redeemed by the Saviour…
Lamb, Lord, King?

what am I dressed in?
am I dressed in the brightest white…
20/20 vision as though it’s blinded?
am I ready?
ready to die for His agreements…
truth, love, eternal?

© Mark Bryant. December 29th, 2020.
[Revelation 16:15; 17:11-14; 19:1-8, 9-10]


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…numbers and symbols. [Revelation 12-15]

there’s so much happening here
that I don’t understand.
numbers and symbols
dovetailed with dragons, beasts, and fallen angels.
but, there is a truth that rings out,
beyond any 20/20 vision of humanity,
and beyond any earthly agreement.

those who love the Mediator…
those who trust in truth…
those who are redeemed by grace
and put their hope in Christ…
those who face accusation day and night…
those who suffer pain and hardship
for the revelation that’s born within…

they’ve already overcome!
their name is written in the Book of Life!
despite the raging war,
the battle is already won!

thanks be to God.

please, God, in the remaining time I have left,
may I take opportunity to remain faithful
and be glad
that I’m becoming more and more
a kindred spirit with You.

© Mark Bryant. December 28th, 2020.
[Revelation 12:7-12; 13:7-10; 14:1-5, 6-7, 12-13]


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…before the storm hits. [Revelation 9-11]

the mysterious plan will be fulfilled:
with lightning… with thunder…
with earthquakes… with hail.

there will be reward for the righteous
and judgement for the unjust.

turn now, before the storm hits.

will I be strong enough to hold onto truth?
will I be weak enough to be held by grace?
will I be humble enough to allow unconditional love?
will I be proud enough to boast in the Mediator?

He is the One who redeems!
He is the Lord of revelation!
He is the Source of hope!
He is the Spirit of holiness!

before the storm hits,
may I take the opportunity
– to seek with 20/20 vision –
agreements of peace.
may I become
a kindred spirit with the least,
and may I find my inner soul
dovetailed toward eternal reward.

may I point others to safety,
before the storm hits.

© Mark Bryant. December 27th, 2020.
[Revelation 10:5-7; 11:15-19]



…ransomed. [Revelation 4-8]

a price paid that was undeserved.
a price paid that was beyond extravagant.
a price paid that redeemed lives
to act as eternal priests…
kindred spirits with the Mediator.

in their tribulation
they trusted in truth and love.
they had seen clearly with 20/20 vision.
they had opportunity to see revelation.
their hope was robust,
their life entrusted to their God.
they live for God,
they died for God,
now, they will live forever, for God.

imperfect, shown grace.
now, agreements are dovetailed
to keep them safe.
shelter and shade…
food and drink…
guidance, revival, and comfort.

come, Lord Jesus.

© Mark Bryant. December 26th, 2020.
[Revelation 5:1-14; 7:9-17]


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…sevens. [Revelation 1-3]

completeness. wholeness.
all peoples and the Almighty.
challenging agreements with sharp truth.
will we take the opportunity to change?
to dovetail listening with obedience?

completeness.  wholeness.
fulfilment of revelation.
grace that redeems
and a love that overcomes.
20/20 vision and hope for new citizenship,
belonging to an eternal kingdom.

completeness.  wholeness.
feed me with life.
call me by a new name.
I am known,
and I’ll be authorised to judge nations.

completeness.  wholeness.
help me to be a kindred spirit
with one who holds tightly
to the truth that gives life…
to the truth that cleans and clothes in white.

completeness.  wholeness.
sitting with the Mediator on His throne,
a permanent place in His pillared palace,
and His presence, I’ll never have to leave.

© Mark Bryant.  December 25th, 2020.
[Revelation 1:4-8; 2:1, 7-8, 11-12, 17-18, 24c-29; 3:1b, 4-14, 19-22]



…more mercy, more peace, more love. [2 John; 3 John; Jude]

days like today with brain haze.
20/20 vision glazed revelation gaze.
the cry of my heart
is more mercy, more peace, more love.

am I kept safe in my weakness and poor choices?
my eyes can barely stay open,
and I just want to sleep.
my faith seems wavering.
I need,
more mercy, more peace, more love.

Father, redeem my life with Your truth.
embed salvation and hope for the eternal deep within.
be grace and opportunity,
and – flow it –
more mercy, more peace, more love.

please, love me and show Your care for me.
Mediator, keep me safe from harm.
dovetail agreements with Your Kindred Spirit
so that I can rest
in more mercy, more peace, more love.

© Mark Bryant. December 24th, 2020.
[2 John 1:3, 5-6; Jude 1:1b-2, 17-25]



…there’s no grey here, only grace. [1 John 1-5]

I get confused by sin.
I believe I’m a child of God,
but I still sin.
passages can be interpreted
to convict or condemn…
to cherish or checkmate.

I can’t find the dovetail
of light and dark…
of white and black.
there’s no grey here, only grace.

the Mediator advocates.
the Mediator redeems.
the Mediator loves.
the Mediator cleans.

so, as much as I am
a kindred spirit with darkness
and devoid of purity,
the revelation of the Mediator
is doing something.

there’s no grey here, only grace.

20/20 vision, take this opportunity
to live in truth,
for it’s in such agreements
that we are cleansed from sin
and find our reason for hope.

there’s no grey here, only grace.

© Mark Bryant. December 23rd, 2020.
[1 John 2:1-2, 15-17; 3:4-10; 5:21]


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…promises, promises. [2 Peter 1-3]

promises, promises.
agreements with truth.
remind me what is best to pursue
when opportunity for temptation emerges,
and seasons of trials take place.

promises, promises.
agreements with truth.
the only dovetail that brings together
a kindred spirit and redeemed life.

promises, promises.
agreements with truth.
the revelation of hope…
the weight of grace…
the foundation of future hope.

promises, promises.
agreements with truth.
points with 20/20 vision
to the Mediator,
more reliable than
the Earth’s orbit around the sun.

promises, promises.
agreements with truth.
Heaven and Earth will taste the flame,
but these precious truths will survive and remain.

© Mark Bryant. December 22nd, 2020.
[2 Peter 1:3-11]


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