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You can’t have it all #Depression #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Hope #Relationships #money #Truth

Never before have we been so bombarded with advertising designed to make you feel unsatisfied with your life. We are promised that products and services will somehow transform our lives and make us happier, more attractive and fulfilled.

Now I have made some purchases over the years which do bring me happiness and enjoyment. I love to travel around the world. However, I try to remain unswayed by advertising that prompts FOMO or promises what it clearly cannot deliver.

An attitude of gratitude of appreciation for what I do have brings more happiness than the newest product or service.

What lies have you seen promoted in advertising?

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Telling someone you love them, even if you know they don’t feel the same way? OPINIONS?

I was just wondering what your thoughts are on telling someone you love them, even if you know the feeling isn’t mutual? There is a man I love…we’ve been friends for a while, and slipped into a situationship a couple of years ago, but it has been mostly platonic for the last year or so. He’s been hot and cold over the years, but has always kept me at arms length. His reasoning is the age difference, and he’s said he doesn’t feel that way towards me. Even though it’s definitely seems he has at times, he’s verbalized that he doesn’t. I however DO love him and have strong feelings for him. Do I tell him I love him? Not in hopes that he’ll love me too necessarily, but because I feel like I need to? Is it wrong to him if I put him in that position? Or should I not worry about that and speak my truth? I’m scared, but feel like I need to tell him how I feel. Life is short. Even if he doesn’t feel the same way, at least I shared how I feel. I’m curious everyone’s thoughts and opinions on this? #Love #Anxiety #heartbreak #Opinion #Truth #help #MentalHealth #SpeakmyTruth #honesty

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