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#Almost Friday#chronic pain#chronic illnesses, fibromyalgia,#positive #Distract me#check in with me
High functioning anxiety today. Too much paperwork for anyone. Walked in my stand up walker today for the first time. Still standing!

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#Almost the weekend#

Where did my puppy go 😫 LOL still a puppy will be 6 months soon.. Kenny just wanted to stop bye and say HIII have to keep thinking warmer weather is coming.

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Tough day #Almost over #made it through

Feeling let down by my family because they just seem to think that they have all the answers on what I should do to fix my life when I just wanted them to listen to how I feel.


#Almost 3 years

It's been almost 3 years since I've heard ur voice seen ur face laughed w u or cried w u!! My sister was my best friend/best big sister anyone could ask for!! I couldn't save her and it kills me inside!😭💔💔


#Almost 3 years

It's been almost 3 years since I've heard ur voice seen ur face laughed w u or cried w u!! My sister was my best friend/best big sister anyone could ask for!! I couldn't save her and it kills me inside!😭💔💔


#Almost 20 uncurable chronic illnesses and 4 autoimmunes

👎👎my husband was just killed a couple weeks agoso the holidays are making it even harder. i cant believe he was killed. taken from me too soon. he wasnt just my husband he was also my best friend n caregiver by choice. for the past 3 yrs we were literally were right next to each other 24/7 he only left for very short errands like shopping, drug store,get me flowers, etc. im lost without him n now dont have a caregiver. all of this extra stress has made all of my illnesses flair terribly and since hospice kicked me out bcuz i had a life r death situation where i was rushed w lights and sierens going. they said if i was 5min later I wouldn't have made it. i was in a coma 36hrs,it was caused by an overdose caused by all the meds the hospice was giving methere were signs something awful was wrong a couple wks b4 but we couldn't pinpoint it. sorry for the novel. this is my 1st post.


Partners in the struggle

I struggle with anxiety and depression daily. While I take medication for the symptoms, my personal struggles are nothing compared to what my wife faces. She fights chronic pain, Chrons disease, bipolar II, and PTSD. She also takes medication but but is un able to work at the time because of constant flare ups. Therefore, I am the only source of income until she can get SS disability. Money is tight and finding the right therapeutic care on a do budget is #Almost impossible. We both try to be supportive for the other, but here lately it seems we are making each other worse. I struggle to find my own motivation to get up and do daily tasks when she is in a depressive mood and vice versa. It has put a made focusing on finishing my college degree hard and has created a lack of interest to do more than watch tv and sleep for both of us. I am hoping that this group can help to show us that we are not alone and maybe inspire us to move forward.