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° " HEY THERE! LONGTIME NO SEE.." ° #checkingin

° " Well I Have Been Doing Ok... Alittle Mental Breakdown/Depression Ongoing But... I Have Been Just Being A Workaholic Lately... Lastnight I Broke Up With The Guy That I Was Seeing... Idk What's The Deal With Some Men.. They Get Like No I Don't Want Any Kind Of Realtionship... But Then Act Like An Actual Boyfriend... Like Very Confusing... So I Got Tired Of The Game's And Dumped Him... I Was Fully Honest In What I Was Looking For And Wanted... But Then He Stayed With Me For Two Whole Month's... And It Was Nice And Fun.. But This Guy Apparently Really Need's To Get His Prioritie's In Order.. Like Who Put's Other's Before The Person That They Are Trying To Get To Know??? I Just Felt Like Thing's Were Not Going To Progress And I Felt Stuck... So I Needed To Leave... For My Sanity.. And Hey It's His Loss Not Mine... " Sincerely, ☆ Skaoi Kvitravn ☆ #AnUpdate

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°" This Company Just Can't Seem To Keep People Empolyed At All"° ?¿ #AnUpdate

• " So I Came In At 7:30 A.M. All Because People Don't Want To Work At This Restaurant... 3 People Didn't Show Up... And 1 Have Might Have Quit... I Feel Like I'm Going To Get Shafted... Into Working Crazy Day's And Wierd Hour's Now.. My Lower Back And Mainly My Sciatica Have Been Giving Me.. So Much Issue's.. I Haven't Been Off Of My Feet For 2 Week's Or More... Today Alot Of Customer's Decided To Become Super Annoying Af And Undecisive Like Alway's... Wasting My Time.. I Was Doing Or Being Asked To Help With Other Thing's.. Because We Were Short Staffed... It Never Seem's To End.. And I Will Never Be Able To Get Out Of This #Deep Depression Cycle... " ° Sincerely, •●•Skaoi Kvitravn •●•

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° " Finally 40 Hour's I Have Worked... Hopefully It Will Stay Like This... " ° #hopeful

• " Work Was A Slow Day Finally... Less Stress But Tomarrow Would Be A Different Story... I Looked At My Paycheck Stub Just Now $400+ I'm Making Right Now... That's What I Was Getting When I Frist Started... I'm Happy Alittle... But Still Depressed And Anxious.. " ° #AnUpdate •°○Skaoi Kvitravn °•°

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° " Another Nice Day At Work.. " ° #AnUpdate

° " Today Was Nice And Peaceful Not Busy At All. For 2 Day's Straight... After Covid I Now Can't Catch My Breath. If I Do Alot. And Get Extremely More Tired And Exhausted.. For No Reason... I Still Have Mucus Phelm. Trying To Get Rid Of It... " ° #AnUpdate Sincerely, ☆Skaoi Kvitravn ☆

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° " My 1st Day Back Since Getting Sick With Covid " ° #AnUpdate

° " My Day Was Ok.... But Now I Can't Breathe Well... And I Get Winded And Extremely Exhausted... Right Away. And Then I Started Getting Another Headache. Everyone Kept Asking Why I Wasn't At Work. Well Geez People I Was Infected. Now I Have To Stay Masked Forever. These Stupid Viruse's Will Never Go Away... " ° #AnUpdate Sincerely, • Skaoi Kvitravn •

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° " Hey There! GOOD MORNING!! FAM... " ° #feelingbetter 🤞

☆ " Well That Was An Extremely Interesting Experience... That I Never Want To Have Ever Again... Thank The God's For My 2 Shot's... After I'm Fully Negative I Retest On Mon. Before I Go Back To Work Make A Trip To The Doc To Get A Dumb. Note. I Had A Wierd Experience With Toothpaste Now. Whenever I Brush My Teeth. I Litterly Smell Black Licorice. I'm Not Joking... Idk If My Sensitive Smell Is Out Of Wack. I Can Definitely Still Taste Thing's. Own My Arm's Are Still Sore Apparently While... I'm Writing This To You Lol. But I Think This Wild Gnarly Ride Of A Crazy Train Is Over. Take Care Peep's Much Love XoXo ☆• Skaoi Kvitravn •☆ #AnUpdate

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° " 👋 Mighty Family! I'm Still Kicking... " ° #AnUpdate

° " So Omfg! I Litterly Wouldn't Wish This Nightmare Virus On Anyone... Not Even On My Jealous Enemie's... I Started Off With A Severe Headache Litterly From H*ll. To The Point Where I Thought That I Was Having A Stroke It Was That Bad I Was In Tear's. The Body Pain Was Horrible. I Haven't Eaten In 2 Day's. The Feverish Up's And Down's. I'm Still Stuffy And Can't Move I'm So Exhausted All The Time... I Still Have Body Pain. No Memory Fog Yet. I Couldn't Wish Or Celebrate. My Son's 20th Brithday. Yesterday. For The New People That Don't Know. I Lost My Son To " Sudden Infant Death Syndrome "... In 2004. So I Wish Him A Happy Birthday Every Jan 12th.. Well Still On This Messed Up Adventure Until Next Post.... Take Care Peep's Xoxo " ° •Skaoi Kvitravn• #Thought 's

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° "Sigh! So I've Fully Tested Postive For Covid 19..." ° #AnUpdate

• " I Just Took An At Home Testing Kit... A Dark Line Quickly Popped 1st. And Then The Second Line Is Barly Visable. So I'm Postive Vacation Time From My Job. That's Where I Got Infected. The Pain Is Unbareable. I Have A Fever... A Cough.. No Vomiting Or The You Know What's. My Memory Is Foggy AF. I Will Keep This Saga Of Tale's Updated. 🤮🤧🤢" • Sincerely, ~ Skaoi Kvitravn #Thought 's

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° " Ugh! This Is A Nightmare... The Virus Is No Joke... " ° #AnUpdate

° " I Texted My Boss This Morning Flat Out Said That I Have Covid. She Was Surprisingly Understanding... Maybe They Can Finally Start Training Another Cashier. I Still Feel Horrible... And In Massive Pain. I Treated Myself To Some Fluffy French Toast From IHOP. I Litterly Haven't Eaten In 2 Day's. Because My Throat Is About To Fall Off. And Sore. How Long Doe's This Crap Take To Pass?.... That Muncinex Is A Gem. It Knocked Me Out At Night. I Still Have This Severe Migraine. That My Vein's On The Side's Of My Face Are Popping Out." ° Sincerely, Skaoi Kvitravn #Thought 's

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° " Welp! I'm Pretty Sure That I Have Covid... FML! " ° #AnUpdate

° " Tomarrow I'm Going To Get A Test Kit... I'm Not Feeling My Best Self... Oh Well Time Away From The Chaotic Place Called Work... I Definitely Feel Like S%%t... I Will Keep In Touch... That's The Damn Place That Got Me Sick. Welp! I'm Going To Call In Again... I Don't Feel Safe Over There. My Boss Is Going To Flip. Well She Let's Sick People Come To Work. So I'm Not Going To Risk Myself More... " ° Love You All ! Sincerely, Skaoi Kvitravn #Thought 's

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