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A rule I have been trying to live by.

Always treat yourself the way you would treat other people. Would you tell someone else the same thing you're telling yourself? Would you beat up and criticize someone else the way you do yourself? I know that that's a broad question really. But you get the picture.

I also am aware that there are a lot of people out there who would answer yes to all of those questions. But for me, my answer would be no. I generally care a lot about other people's feelings. Even though I'm not even a quarter of as big of a people person as I used to be, and prefer to be left alone until I'm ready to socialize, (which is not very often) I still want other people to be happy and live happy lives.

As someone who has suffered a lot of years of emotional abuse growing up I would not want to be that person. I wouldn't ever want to contribute to becoming the voice inside someone's head telling them they're not good enough, that they're never going to be nothing, or they're unworthy and unlovable, or ugly and this or that. Some people are thickskinnded and others are not. Sometimes people can pick at someone and they don't think twice about it while others replay that over and over in their heads until it is permanently a part of them and they feel they are all of those things.

Often times the voice inside of our heads that we think belongs to us is just an echo of someone in our past (or present) who did everything they could to rip apart any amount of self esteem you had. That voice isn't there just because of you. Someone planted it there, and odds are they didn't even know that the reason they did that was so that it would grow and make you feel as bad about yourself and they feel about themselves.

Subconsciously they're looking for someone to bring down to their level to make themselves feel better because they probably had the same thing done to them. They don't know that it works both ways. When you're trying to bring someone up, and you're complimenting and reassuring them and supporting them, that it helps you too.

Hurt people hurt people, because that's often all they have ever known. Hurt people can also be strong, and help build strength in others, and through that build more strength in themselves. I ramble around a lot I know. But my point here is this, treat yourself with the same love and compassion you would give other people.

You are a human too and though you live a very personal life with yourself and being you and being a person is a wild concept and we often forget we are human as well, you deserve to be at peace. You deserve love and compassion, patience and support. You're on this earth just like the rest of us.

Be good to yourself.

#MentalHealth #begoodtoyourself #Love #patience #Understanding #Trauma #EmotionalAbuse #PTSD


A rule I have been trying to live by.

Always treat yourself the way you would treat other people. Would you tell someone else the same thing you're telling yourself? Would you beat up and criticize someone else the way you do yourself? I know that that's a broad question really. But you get the picture.

I also am aware that there are a lot of people out there who would answer yes to all of those questions. But for me, my answer would be no. I generally care a lot about other people's feelings. Even though I'm not even a quarter of as big of a people person as I used to be, and prefer to be left alone until I'm ready to socialize, (which is not very often) I still want other people to be happy and live happy lives.

As someone who has suffered a lot of years of emotional abuse growing up I would not want to be that person. I wouldn't ever want to contribute to becoming the voice inside someone's head telling them they're not good enough, that they're never going to be nothing, or they're unworthy and unlovable, or ugly and this or that. Some people are thickskinnded and others are not. Sometimes people can pick at someone and they don't think twice about it while others replay that over and over in their heads until it is permanently a part of them and they feel they are all of those things.

Often times the voice inside of our heads that we think belongs to us is just an echo of someone in our past (or present) who did everything they could to rip apart any amount of self esteem you had. That voice isn't there just because of you. Someone planted it there, and odds are they didn't even know that the reason they did that was so that it would grow and make you feel as bad about yourself and they feel about themselves.

Subconsciously they're looking for someone to bring down to their level to make themselves feel better because they probably had the same thing done to them. They don't know that it works both ways. When you're trying to bring someone up, and you're complimenting and reassuring them and supporting them, that it helps you too.

Hurt people hurt people, because that's often all they have ever known. Hurt people can also be strong, and help build strength in others, and through that build more strength in themselves. I ramble around a lot I know. But my point here is this, treat yourself with the same love and compassion you would give other people.

You are a human too and though you live a very personal life with yourself and being you and being a person is a wild concept and we often forget we are human as well, you deserve to be at peace. You deserve love and compassion, patience and support. You're on this earth just like the rest of us.

Be good to yourself.

#MentalHealth #begoodtoyourself #Love #patience #Understanding #Trauma #EmotionalAbuse #PTSD