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The hidden costs of depression - late payments, interest, lapsed contracts, etc.

In addition to not being able to work full time and paying for anti-depressant medication and therapy, depression often comes with extra expenses that many people don't know about.

💮 I haven't filed my income taxes because I got so overwhelmed trying to fill out the forms and too tired to hunt down all my receipts. As a result, I am denied government subsidies for prescription medication and have to pay full price.

💮 I often forget to pay my bills on time and end up with late fees or interest charges.

💮 My 2 year home internet contract ran out and I've been paying double for the past six months because it feels insurmountable to call the company to renew it or to research other options.

Have you had any increased costs in your life as a result of depression or another mental illness?

#Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #money #bills #Finances #hiddencosts

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Paying My Bills Stress Free

Open your bills immediately. If you get paper copies of your bills in the mail, open them immediately. When you're behind on bills, it can be tempting not to open them. Resist the urge. There is nothing to be gained by keeping yourself in the dark.

Even people who have paperless billing set up will put off opening bills. For a lot of people, it can be easier to postpone looking at their bills if they can't see them hanging around the house. If this sounds like you, switch from paperless billing to conventional billing.

Put your bills in the same place. This might seem like a no-brainer, but that doesn't mean that everyone does it. Even people who know they should do this sometimes don't. Make a commitment to keep all of your bills in the same place, so that you go straight there from the mailbox. Try a home office, the refrigerator door, or a coffee table — just make sure that it's a place where you see them often enough that you don't forget.

Pay bills as you go. The easiest way to keep track of bills is to pay them as they arrive. That way, you never need to worry about paying bills late, and you never have to worry about overspending on non-essentials. The money you can't afford to spend is already spent where it is most necessary.

Divide your bills into two categories. Even if you pay each bill as it comes, every now and then, there will be a bill you can't afford to pay right away. When this happens, put the bill in one of two categories: bills that are due at the beginning of the month, and bills that are due mid-month. Pay the bills that are due at the beginning of the month first and pay the mid-month bills second.

Negotiate more convenient due dates. Your goal is to owe roughly the same amount at the beginning of the month and in the middle of the month. Almost all companies will negotiate a more convenient due date if you ask. So, if one segment of your bills is much larger than the other, call customer service for the respective companies and ask them to change your billing date.

Mark your calendar. For the technologically averse, mark two dates on your calendar for bill payment. Each bill payment date should come a little bit before the bills are actually due. For example, on the 1st and 15th of each month, set aside an hour or so to both review and settle your bills. Make sure to keep this appointment with yourself.

Sign up for online bill pay. Online bill pay will automatically draft your bill payments from your checking account. You won't have to worry about keeping your bills organized or remembering to write and mail a check. You can set up an online bill pay through one of the secondary sites or apps available online, or you can set it up automatically with the companies who are billing you.

Create separate accounts for bills and for discretionary funds. This is one of the easiest ways to make a budget that you stick to. Simply compute how much you pay each month for your regular bills. Divide that amount by the number of times you get paid each month to determine how much you should deposit in your bill-paying account from each paycheck. After each pay period, make sure to make the deposits in the proper accounts.

Budget for bills that you don't regularly pay. Certain items, like car registration, taxes, and insurance payments are often billed once or twice a year, instead of being billed each month. Budget for these too. Simply write down the total of your non-regular bills and divide that number by 12 to determine how much to set aside each month.

So that you won't be tempted to skimp on irregular expenses, it's best to put this money in the same account as you use for your regular bills. That way, the money is there when you need it.

Budget for items that you may not buy monthly, such as clothing, so that you always have some money tucked away when you need new items.

#bills #stressfree #MentalIllness #MentalHealth #billpay


Please Help #Paypal #bills

I really hate asking, but someone took money out of my account. I am 35 in the negative. Can you please donate or ask one of your friends to donate. If you can't don't worry. Thanks. This is kind of an emergency. Thank you.


#bills pilling

I spent 3 days in early 2019 in the hospital. I’ve got 1,400 left of medical bills from the hospital alone. I have 101 being taken out of my paycheck each week going towards that. still have 7 months to go. we have work being done to the house because of a leak from the roof. most of which is being covered by the insurance. but then just got socked with 1,000 for the hot water heater we had replaced. when it rains it pours! anxiety sucks! can’t sleep wondering how we are going to pay for the extra bills. Christmas is 20 days away and I don’t have anything for my husband yet. I’m a photographer on the side and I can’t get hardly any business. I tried advertising on Facebook. can’t seem to drum up anything. really need to get new business cards. can’t afford them. think I’ll print a few flyers and hang them up in local places. got to do something. somethings got to give!


Mental Health and the System Sucks!

I just want to cry. I lost my job due to mental health. I can’t work due to mental health, but because I need money and am no where near getting on even partial disability, I had a job interview today. Well, I lost my car in July because I had no way to pay off the loan. My car was sold a few weeks ago and they expect me to not only pay off the deficiency but also the repairs and detailing they had done. What repairs!? I put brand new breaks and everything on it before it got repoed! .... So, I now have this loan that will be headed to collections if I don’t get this job along with my credit card loan. If I do get the job they said I can take a budget class to have all $3,000 paid off in 3 months! With what money!? 😭😭😭
I am so done. Never again will I get a loan. Never again will I get a credit card. Why can’t people with sever mental health issues ever catch a break!? #money #bills #MentalHealth #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Anxiety #Depression