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Medical care too expensive

How many people have trouble affording the doctor? I literally had to cancel appointments because I already owe so much. My freaking deductible is $6000, which is just crazy. Some things covered before then but not much 🤦‍♀️. It is so frustrating. #Doctor #doctorappoinment
#PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Sarcoidosis #Headache #Migraine #ChronicFatigue

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The hidden costs of depression - late payments, interest, lapsed contracts, etc.

In addition to not being able to work full time and paying for anti-depressant medication and therapy, depression often comes with extra expenses that many people don't know about.

💮 I haven't filed my income taxes because I got so overwhelmed trying to fill out the forms and too tired to hunt down all my receipts. As a result, I am denied government subsidies for prescription medication and have to pay full price.

💮 I often forget to pay my bills on time and end up with late fees or interest charges.

💮 My 2 year home internet contract ran out and I've been paying double for the past six months because it feels insurmountable to call the company to renew it or to research other options.

Have you had any increased costs in your life as a result of depression or another mental illness?

#Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #money #bills #Finances #hiddencosts

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I feel like the naughtiest duckie .. is this what a naughty potato is like?

So I'm finishing copywriting class (in abt 2 weeks and lets not talk abt the progress of my final copywriting project hahahah ok it IS progressing)

I LOVED the class and realised one of my coursemates is taking the full diploma [Diploma in Digital Marketing], with her next module right after the copywriting module ends (we are currently a Tues evening class, next class is a Thurs evening content marketing class)

I wanted to take the diploma with a course exemption (cos ain't no retaking copywriting module, what for haha) but the sales person just told me to pay balance fees for the total diploma cost.

I've been unemployed for a while now (long story) and the savings I had from my past 3month stint from Jul-Sep went into my copywriting module HAHA 😬🙃

Anyway, I mused the thought to my mom and she said ok, but my parents are BOTH retired. they retired in Q1 2021, although I think they have some investments and dividends. But they also wanna travel while they still can, nothing halfway across the world but just around APAC I suppose (I'm SEAsia, for context. Point being not like some super around-the-world trip but just travel, see places, enjoy while they can. In my mom's words, they've friends who have the finances but not health to travel. And for me I've seen friends parents suddenly lose their battles with health scares and then yeah the opportunity to explore is just ... gone. So I get it ..)

So anyway, bearing in mind they are RETIRED and I am NOT CURRENTLY EMPLOYED, ... I just feel like by taking the money for the diploma I'm .. eating into their retirement fund.

But then again -

>> I pay for my own therapy appts
>> As a child I've never asked for money from them ever, nor did I have extra curricular stuff (paid enrichment) like piano/violin/swimming (ok this was part of school so it wasn't like those extra expensive private coaching, just mass) ...
>> I didn't even take extra tutoring for the most part (only Math for national exam years cos I'm terrible. there's a reason why I write now 😆🙃)

So now I'm trying to justify to myself that it's just this once, it's a drop in the ocean for 12 years of grade school (even after grade 12 - I took a teaching diploma with a bond, had allowance from the govt for that, parents didn't pay, I started giving them money early, deducted hostel fees from my teaching allowance)


By the way, I'm 31f. If it matters. Because shouldn't someone at 31f be able to afford such things on her own? (I mean I can, but if I do it will significantly dent my savings so you know - teach a man to fish ... but easier to fish when you feed him first and he's not hungry)

To be fair, parents offered the money for me to do braces, which I get off in 2 weeks. I took the money in acceptance of the gesture, but I've secretly paid back 40%of it into my dad's retirement thingy (was planning to finish repaying by time braces got off but life and unemployment sucks and I will not complete it in time now)

All I want is to not feel guilty for depleting my parents' retirement funds. It sucks that I even have to justify to myself how and why I deserve this money.

I also know rationally there were certain things they should have provided for when I was young as a child (braces being one of them haha) but being not-a-minor-anymore I just feel so useless and guilty.

Help 😫

#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Employment #CheerMeOn #Finances

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Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

What is wrong with me? I can think of so many things possibly causing these symptoms, but which one is it? My lymph nodes are swollen (face and neck), I have a phlegm cough, sometimes my throat is a little sore but less so than when I had the full cold or whatever it was (not Covid... I was tested), and I just feel weak.

I'm not getting enough nutrition, I have an unpleasant taste in my mouth (kind of metallic) and it seems to be coming from a tooth (maybe more than one) which I'm sure is abscessed, my dental health is terrible, this room is horribly dusty, and there could be other reasons. I sit in little light, and don't even look up at the TV much, because I'm sensitive to the light. I keep my phone pretty dim. I'm disabled, and since I've felt so crappy, I've relied on my boyfriend for everything I need, but he gets mad, and I understand money is tight, but I need things. I have to give him a reason for every little thing he doesn't already know, and I get so tired of explaining everything.

I saw a nurse practitioner two Mondays ago. I mentioned the swollen lymph nodes (but I said, "glands," by mistake), but she didn't feel them.

I know the brain fog, sweating, anxiety, and other symptoms are withdrawals from Xanax (explained in my previous post).

I just want to feel good again.



Paying for an MRI/MRA

Hello Mighty Community! Does anyone have any advice on how to pay for an MRI/MRA? My roommate needs them. She’s on her parents’ insurance still but no one in her family has been sick this year so there’s been no movement on their deductible. It will cost her 6 months of our rent to get these done, which she can’t afford #ChronicIlless #MRI #Finances #Insurance #Health #Brain #HealthInsurance


#Finances #recession #Depression
I really need to work
They just increased some more costs on us
My husband's job isn't cutting it.
I am such a mental and physical mess that the thought is stressing me out.
I really need long term inpatient treatment.
I really just want to check out all together.

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Is Your OCD Expensive?

I need a lot of things, like tissues, disinfectant wipes, toilet wipes, computer screen wipes, extra clothes, nitrile/vinyl gloves, (sometimes multiple) things for certain purposes, because of my OCD, plus I need things for physical disabilities and issues, like bed pads, extra bathroom tissue, dry eye drops, powder/products for sweating and chafing, and more. These are only a few things for each I need, but I don't always have them all. My boyfriend gets mad at me for the things I need, and that I eat out. That's an ocd thing, too, but more of a mental health thing. I don't do well staying in the motel room, even for one day, and I have to wait for him till at least after 8:00 pm most days to bring me a meal (usual Chinese chicken fried rice, and I find Chinese boooring, but I don't want anything the convenience store offers. I also can't eat just anything because my teeth are so bad and missing, plus my body doesn't react well to some foods. I can't cook at the motel because the microwave is broken and my boyfriend has cooked things in there that are a problem for me.

Anyway, I'm in a restaurant now (another reason I'm limited is, I have to know the restaurant bathrooms aren't a problem for me), and the waiter asked how I was, and I gave a "so-so" hand gesture, and he asked what was wrong. I said, "Money." He said, "Why are you eating here, then?" I don't feel like explaining my OCD and other issues to anyone, plus it's none of his business, anyway. I usually get the cheapest dish, other than soup, although today I got fish, because I was really craving fish. Also, the drinks are free refills. This is my only meal of the day, except for a small snack later.

Does anyone go through a lot of things because of their ocd, and maybe other reasons?


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