Thirteen hundred miles away from my fiance, I broke a promise last Friday. He's hurt and confused. I want to get through it but he's stuck. It's not infidelity, and I was honest about what I did. I misunderstood something he said about it the previous day, leading me to believe it was ok to do it. I should've asked for clarification, but I think I was scared of what his reaction would be. I'm afraid I'm going to lose him even though we've gotten through much bigger problems. He is a TBI survivor with an opiate addiction, I have Bipolar and all the rest, it seems.  I moved here 14 months ago, still have no friends.  Even my counselor is online but my docs are face-to-face, at least.
#bipolarrollercoaster   #imessedup #alphabetsoup #PTSD #OCD #ADHD  #lonely #confused #Bipolar 