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I’ve Started to Sing #ronicPain # #dometriosis # #bromyalgia # #Scoliosis

When it’s really late and I’m the only one up because of my pain, I’ve started to sing to myself. Sometimes along with my music, sometimes without. I find it cathartic singing to myself in the dark, and it helps distract me. The picture is one of my favorite songs to sing to myself (it’s Christian rap but the chorus has a beautiful melody).

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I’m proud of myself #bromyalgia # #dometriosis # #Scoliosis

I’m proud because I’ve made the decision to stay in bed until it’s time to get READY for bed, and I’m not going to beat myself up about it. Because you know what? My head and back hurt, I got maaaybe 4 hours of sleep last night, and my newly-manifested light sensitivity has been acting up all day. I am not going to beat myself up about the things I could be doing, like exercising or laundry or cleaning; I did my freakin’ best today. I managed to get through the whole work day without having to leave early (still working on not being hard on myself where that is concerned but progress is progress 🤷🏾‍♀️). And I didn’t cuss anyone out today! That like never happens, it’s very rare that I curse at all and I am generally well liked at work, but I consider every day I spend in this body that I manage not to go off on anyone as a win lol. So yeah. Proud. #CheckInWithMe


I’m so mad!! #ronicPain # #dometriosis # #bromyalgia # #CheckInWithMe

Tomorrow’s my birthday. I took off tomorrow and Friday because of it. I have plans with friends and family. I’m not supposed to get my period because of my endo; I’ve been taking the estrogen pills straight through and haven’t had it since October at least. And what do I see when I go to the bathroom this morning? MY PERIOD IS HERE.
My body is SO frustrating!! Out of all the months and days it could come, my birthday is when it had to happen? My period is enough by itself but add fibro and scoliosis to it?? I just hope this one doesn’t end up being heavy because if it does I’ll barely be able to get out of bed till Saturday at the earliest. This is so disappointing. I’m the kind of person who gets really excited about my birthday, it’s supposed to be really warm. I guess I’ll just have to hope and pray this occurrence won’t be typical ☹️☹️☹️


Savella for #Fibromyalgia ?

Has anyone tried Savella to help with #Fibromyalgia ? If so, was your experience with it good or bad? What side effects should I expect? Doctor just prescribed this for me and I’m nervous about trying it. I have had really bad experiences with other antidepressants in the past. Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated. #bromyalgia # #ronicPain # #pression # #xiety # #broFog # #wmeds # #nervous


So tired of hurting

I just spent half an hour puking in the shower from pain and dizziness. I put my feet in Epsom salts and just sat on the floor hoping it would all pass. Now I’m curled up in bed missing yet another class that just took all my energy. #bromyalgia # #ChronicIllness