Am I lovable? One thing that has been playing over and over in my head lately is something my ex said to me "you're too broken to love".
I've been asking myself lately if I'm ever going to have someone that will love me, that will be able to look past my brokenness and love me for who I truly am. That bubbly outspoken strong women I am. But I've lost hope. I don't think anyone will. I'm past broken, I'm shattered. My childhood shattered me and I have moments of complete brokenness that I can't escape. Who would love that? Who wants that? But am I ever going to get past that?? I feel as if im always going to have moments of brokenness. Of remembering my childhood and being triggered and it making me angry and sad and so many other emotions. Maybe I am too broken to love, maybe I always will be.

#ComplexPTSD #complextrauma #Childhoodtrauma #childhoodassult #Love #Unlovable #Broken #Trauma #PTSD