Out of options
Has anyone ever faced the situation when your Rheumatologist looks at you and tells you "We are out options for treatment" I have never been in remission better "yes" but not totally symptom free. I have the most amazing medical team on my side they are all straight shooters nothing held back. In the beginning I told them all I don't want you to hold my hand and tell me it might get better I wanted honesty and the plain truth. So now my question is what's next their answer "We can treat the symptoms and make you comfortable but know you will never get the remission we all have hoped for." Now I cherish the good days and have learned to rest on the bad days not to push myself for anyone and laugh everyday. I have learned that acceptance can set you free I went several years of being mad at the world denying something was wrong and telling myself it will go away. It has not gone away I'm no longer mad at the world and have totally accepted my rare disease. Not really sure why I needed to post this particular post today but maybe it will help someone out there or it may be to help myself. #AdultOnsetStillsDisease #CreakyJoints #TheMighty