Nose Cauterization and quite tired of this crap.
Just had a side of my nose cauterized the other day. Hopefully it will grow new skin that won't be inflamed. Tomorrow I have to travel for appointments again, I don't have the energy or the heart. Tired of the upkeep, my body is showing it too. Like I had a month off, now been in a month and Im into burnout zone. My brain is fried. Next month will make a long trip to a Neurologist. Just want to postpone Adele.
I'm exhausted, I hurt, I need to shower and play along but Im so tired of this crap.
I just got caught up on laundry, now Ive worn myself out for tomorrow. Sitting here, just dreading it.
I don't want it to get to me but it does! #Depression #Anxiety #RareDisease #ChronicPain #Arthritis #CPTSD #Inflammation #Migraine #Fatigue #epsteinbarr #cystitis #Neuropathy #sinusitis #Disability #hatetodrive #someoneputmetobed