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The Ways Judy Heumann Impacted the Disability Rights Movement

• "Judy Heumann, called the "mother of disability rights" passed away at the age of 75 onMarch 4th. Heumann famously said
"I want to see feisty disabled people change the world."
• "Judy was the first teacher who used a wheelchair in New York City.
Judy fought for the rights of disabled school teacher, suing the local school board of education. This is a huge step not only for public school teachers but for all professions everywhere. Disabled people deserve to be in every occupation in every level of leadership."
• "Judy changed the landscape for disability & employment laws.
Judy was the first teacher who used a wheelchair in New York City. Judy sued the local school board of education when they didn't allow her to teach in her chair.
This is a huge step not only for public school teachers but for all professions everywhere. Disabled people deserve to be in every occupation in every level of leadership. Judy set a precedent.”
• “Judy worked on a federal level to make sure disabled people had equal benefits and opportunities at work.
Judy organized a 10-city protest to encourage President Nixon to sign the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504). This act ensures that individuals with disabilities will have equal opportunities and benefits in the workplace.”
• “Judy revolutionized equal access to education. Judy helped develop legislation that became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA makes sure that students with a disability receive a Free Appropriate Education, which is designed to meet their needs."
• "Judy worked towards independence for disabled people Judy co-founded the World Institute on Disability in 1983. The World Institute on Disability is dedicated to helping disabled people live as independently as possible.
• "Judy Heumann's tireless efforts, protest and constant work helped establish the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The Americans with Disabilities Act is a civil rights law that protects disabled people against discrimination in all areas of life."
• “Thank you Judy. Rest in Power.
We will not forget the work you did to change disability rights forever." ##Disability #disabilitycommunity
#DisabilitylsDiversity #disabilityawareness
#DisabilityAdvocate #disabilitysolidarity #DisabilityReframed #disabilitysupport
#inclusionmatters #Inclusion
#InclusionRevolution #ChooseTolnclude
#accessible #AccessibilityForAll
#disabledaccess #AccessibilityMatters
#accessforall #Disabled
#RememberingJudyHeumann #ripjudyheumann #RIPJudy
#judyheumann #Activism

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Interest in a podcast specifically for people with chronic illness and/or disability?

Hi all,

I'm brand new here, trying this out for the first time. I'm working on putting together a podcast made by and for people living which chronic illness and/or disability. The goal is to share real stories of how people adapt to their new lives, challenges they've faced, what they've learned, how they cope, and also interviewing professionals who work with people with chronic pain. This is specifically for people who used to live "normal" lives, but had to completely change their lives due to medical issue or trauma. The focus is not on any specific condition, but about how we deal with them.

Does this sound like something appealing to you? What topics would you like to see covered in this podcast? What would be most helpful for you? Also anyone good with computers interested in helping to create the podcast, please send me a message! #neisvoid #disabilitysupport #Spoonies #reimaginelife2 #Chronicpainwarrior

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