It's time to see the doctor, or new doctor. New paperwork, Yuk. Are you a 6 or 10 on the pain scale? Do you exercise enough? Walk 3 miles a day? Why are you in a flare? Why aren't you better? Did you do everything I've asked? How about trying alternative medicine? These are questions we might ask or be asked.

Having after an auto accident, I guess I decided to try on a few things. They look horrible on me! :) lol.

I'm finishing up my paper on how to get your paperwork done and have more time to visit with your doc. Are you afraid to question your doc?

What about new things that crop up? I don't know, but I seem to be the petri dish of new things to explore! Sigh. As we say - If one has worked in health care, then when it hits, it hits hard. I don't like this side of the bedrails, but you have rights, you have the ability to check on proper procedures and ask questions. What works for one, doesn't for another. I would love to have you join my group, and I will try to help or discuss in-between pain days.

I also have found a CURE for everything. Dress up, laugh and look good! I discovered my friends think "Oh, great! Isn't it wonderful she is doing sooo good and the worst is behind her"???? Actually, I think we all could win the Oscars.

Love to have you!
