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Enbrel or Lyrica; What's your experience?

Hello if you're reading this heyyy and thank you! I am asking what your experience is with taking Enbrel or Lyrica specifically for joint and nerve pain?? And what symptoms do they seem to help with/ what have you notice good and "bad"?

I ask because I have some persistent symptoms and am finally open to trying almost anything so I can function with my day to day, specifically with taking care of my 2 y/o son. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2013, and newly Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder which I suspected for some time. I've recently noticed more stiffness in my hands along with a rash, rough flaky dry skin and more stiffness there. Stiffness and tenderness in my spine, more nerve pain all over but burning and intense in my legs making it difficult to stand or be on my feet. Anyhow thank you for reading, peace & blessings! #Fibromyalgia #HSD #hypermobilty #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Lyrica #Enbrel


Impossible to loose weight and on meds. What helped you?

Have you ever gained weight on meds and have you managed to loose it again? I experienced weightgain of about 8kgs on Lyrica and TNF inhibitors. Especially around my waist (I no longer have a waist...) so my bodyshape is completely changed Impossible to shred off. Calorie intake is low and I have a healthy dier.

I knew it was a sideeffect of both drugs, but the benefits as improved movement,less pain and more sleep is actually worth it. I do wish to return back to my old clothes..so, anyone with any good tips for how to manage this? Go vegan? #RheumatoidArthritis #AnkylosingSpondylitis #Lyrica #Enbrel #ChronicPain #Polyneuropathy