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TW Guns, one swear(?) #endgunviolence

I heard that I was the only one who slept through a shooting that sounded pretty close by at 4 AM.

I don’t understand why America think that guns are okay. That freaking 2nd amendment. I know there’s a difference between getting them legally and illegally, but even legally it’s just… ridiculous.

I really feel bad for all of my system partners (we’re plural) for having to stick up to where I live and crap, even though they know and understand about the situation already, and they all already know that I never, and we never, chose to be in this situation. But still, I don’t want them having to fear so much. This damn neighborhood.

I am planning to move out of here with my dad (hopefully sometime next year). So we don’t have to worry so much about this gun crap… and so my partners can feel more safer, too!

This is exactly why I don’t trust anyone who’s pro-gun. It feels like a mock to what could possibly happen and has happened, you know?

#GunViolence #system #Anxiety #Worried #americawhy #venting

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“What They Did Yesterday Afternoon” by Warsan Shire—Somali writer, poet, editor & teacher.

A poem for the communities of Uvalde, Texas. I send my deepest condolences to the families & friends of the children at Robb Elementary School. My heart is with you.

#Uvalde #Poetry #endgunviolence #Grief


How do you cope with something like this?

I live near the Saugus High School shooting. My kids go to a different school, but they knew one of the victims. Since it happened, I've been having random, unpredictable, but very strong panic attacks. Sometimes 3-4 a day. I feel so guilty being this affected because my kids are safe and weren't even there, but I can't seem to keep myself together. #endgunviolence #Anxiety #PanicAttack