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I need hugs. I need to not be alone. I cannot get either.

I’m scared and alone and have no idea how or what will help or change me. I was told by a close family member recently that despite my saying that I’d like to be around her family, she thinks that I actually would not be able to accept the enthusiasm and positivity in their environment. #FeelingAlone #feelingforgotten #feelinguselesss #feelingsodisappointedinmyself


What About Me?

I have gotten so good at hiding my pain that my family doesn't know how bad things are or even what I go through. When my pain is bad I can cry right in front of them and they don't notice because I have taught myself to cry in silence so as not to worry them.
My mom goes on and on about how hard it is being a mother to a daughter who can't find a cure and answers have taken 10+ years to find. My brother-in want of attention has taken to faking pain and issues so my mom can coddle him while she tells me to suck it up and gives me no credit for what I have gone through. Even at 23 I am still hearing her go on and on about how bad it is for her and how hard it is for her.
Selfishly all I can think is What About Me?!
#Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Arthritis #feelingforgotten