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No shame on filters #Filters #Snapchat #Selflove #image #selfesteemissues

I wrote a post on my social media accounts condemning people on shaming people because they like to use filters on their photos. My point was not everyone was born with that jaw-dropping natural beauty. If you wanna dress up your looks some, do it! I’m heavy on Snapchat filters. I’ve had self-esteem issues my entire life. I’m not as harsh on myself as I use to be but I still like to doll myself up every now and then.

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Behind the Filter #Filters

In a desperate bid to hide the real me, I live behind filters hoping to disguise the truths you might find in my eyes.

A part of me has a dire need to wipe away the make up, the coloured lenses, and the silly faces, and show the world who I am.

A bigger part of me is disgusted by own reflection and wants nothing more than to create a beautiful facade that meets the criteria my mind has set for “beautiful”.

I’ve never been comfortable in my own skin. I’ve never been proud to be me. I want those things though, I want them so much I can almost touch them... but not quite. #beautiful

#BDD #BodyDysmorphicDisorder #Anxiety #Selfharm #Filters