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Best lesson learnt

I learnt the best lesson during a stint of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy #CBT .

This was that getting from A to B wasn't always about taking the quickest route. It was about thinking of that task and breaking it down into mini manageable segments.

For example - housework. I used to be able to do the bulk of this on a Saturday morning. Now it takes me 4 to 7 weeks to complete. Some tasks are weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc.

I started to figure this out by taking 1 room at a time, for this I will use the kitchen.

So tasks here are daily washing and drying up, scrub draining board and drained, wipe down all worktop, sweep the floor, mop the floor, clean cupboard fronts, clean inside of fridge.... you get the picture?

Then allocate the frequency each task has to be done - daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc

Then allocate how long each task takes. You may need to complete each task to work this out - don't overdo it!!

This then helps you to build up a rota of jobs to be done each day, week, month etc. Just try not to leave the jobs you dislike the most to the end, I find if I set a reward for these I get them done. This could be watch an episode of the latest drama, spent some time reading or another activity you really enjoy.

I hope this helps someone else like it has me. Happy to answer any questions as best I can, but remember I'm in recovery too and not an expert!

#Recovery #gamechanger #CBT #cognitivebehaviouraltherapy #goals #rewards #bethebestyoupossiblycan