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GOALS#artheals #goals #remember #augistill

I have small goals, day to day goals,complicated,layered,personal goals for big goals,but https://goals.I have goals that are chores and ones that hurt me physically.
I have goals, to complete basic daily functions on time like all..My goals are mine but some were given to me, assigned till completion. Goals interrupted and goals self sabataged. Ive helped get many, to their goal, but not my goal.
The time has come for my own goals.my ambition for tomorrow will not be, fold my laundry or scrub the bathroom. My goals are talk a walk at 6am.
Drink water and take your medication.
Do not rush home,no one is waiting.
Leave this device for creative purposes https://only.You already know your way.

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being independent

#Anxiety #Depression #OCD #PTSD #ADHD #Independance #growth #Sobriety #goals

hey everyone.. don't ever let your negative thoughts hold you back from achieving your goals..i have came so far within a year its unreal..just a year ago i was homeless staying in my ex shed that he didn't know about..i was cold,wet,scared..it was in the middle of winter..i had no one..i reached out to someone to ask for a ride to the doc and got up enough courage to ask him if i could take a shower at his house

and i finally told him my situation..that i was homeless but had a job in a warehouse living from check to check barely surviving..he then gave me a chance..let me stay w him rent free and without any sexual favors in return..at first my ptsd got really bad bc of staying w guys in the past and them wanting sexual favors in return for staying w them..but not Reggie.

Reggie actually believed in me enough to help me get back on my feet..i then got extremely depressed bc this was before i got on Zoloft and had gotten fired due to my sugar problems and falling asleep at work due to my sugar problems so i gave up on myself.. didn't work for months worrying about getting put out.. started using cocaine again(not crack cocaine) just cocaine..

but he never gave up on me..i talked to my doc and told her about my MDD and she put me on Zoloft and that changed my life forever..i then got a full time job as a live in caregiver helping a dementia patient and making more money then i was used to

i started spending more time w my kids and taking care of them and just loving life again..i had some relapses before but never stayed w me.. I'm telling you this story bc i used to be a homeless addict and now i have a full time job, got clean, got my own place,and just recently got a car today.. anything is possible if you work towards it

it may feel like the end of the world and like your at the end..but God always gives you another chance at life every day you wake up..if anyone out there is suffering from depression..then please get help asap..its starts w that first step..i used to sleep all day to not live life..

now i wake up and enjoy my mornings.. there's always help out there..theres always support out there..it all starts w you..you are the first step..if i can do it..anyone can.. remember:YOU GOT THIS ❤️

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My weekly win :)

After my generalized anxiety was so bad the past year because of a toxic ex-acquaintance, I’m finally writing again and working out again. And did my first 5km run in a year. This is great because, as a former nationally ranked athlete, it feels good to enjoy things I’m passionate about again. #goals #Addiction #ADHD #Anxiety #Depression

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My Mid-Week Win

For once I actually got stuff done and didn’t procrastinate as much as I usually procrastinate. #goals #ADHD #Littlewins #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Addiction

How is everyone doing today?

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Success Quote

When Dealing with a mental illness or any kind of illness, it does not hurt to dream of better times. If you are an advocate, please don't give up on your dreams. #MentalHealth #InvisibleIllness #illnesses #Success #goals #quote

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Embracing Progress by acknowledging, validating, and celebrating your wins, whether they are big or small

Remember: Progress is a journey, not a destination. Whether your strides are monumental or minuscule, each step forward matters and empowers you to take the next step. #MentalHealth #Addiction #goals #ADHD

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New year, new(er) beginnings.

It has been quite a long time since I've used this platform. Of course, life happens and you lose sight of what you want to do. But I'm determined to get back to the things I love, and get back to being happy this year. There are many things I want to accomplish this year, and I don't want to let anything stop me.

Consistency is key. I know I have to be consistent with my goals in order to obtain them. It's okay to fall off of the track, as long as you get back on. So here I am, trying again for the umpteenth time. But I know I can do this. Happy New Year.

What are some of your goals for the new year?

#Happiness #MentalHealth #goals #NewBeginnings

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How to maintain focus on one thing at a time

In this busy hustle and bustle society, you may be feeling like you are losing your ability to focus on one thing at a time. These days, it's so easy to get distracted. Check out my latest blog to learn how you can practice focusing on one thing at a time.


#wellnessblog #wellness #wellnessgoals #goals #distracted