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Another hardship added to the path threw hell

Ok here it is. I have been homeless living in my car, one day this month I was caught in a compromising position. This was due to the mental illness of Hypersexuality, and was recorded doing it even though I made what I believe was a sufficient attempt to cover. Now I have been labeled a pervert by everyone who has seen the video. With the harassment, bullying, and threats as well as my family has stopped talking to me from the embarrassment. It has become very hard I was thinking of just ending the problem, so I called the police to ask what they knew about the incident because I had not been charged for a sex crime. The dispatcher told me that they knew nothing about the issue, but she could since the disparity in my voice and dispatched officers to my location to get me to behavioral Health. I confessed the whole ordeal, the officer explained that I had broke no law, that I have the right to do whatever I wanted in my car as long as I made an effort to cover and is not any real crime He also said that the person who recorded me was the guilty party by invasion of privacy and slander, they had no business even looking in my car. I have not seen the video but it could also include: entering my vehicle/home without my knowledge or consent, recording without my knowledge or consent(spy camming) cyber bullying with the entente to shame, humiliat, embarrass, harass that could lead to personal harm. But I spent the night in Behavioral health anyway to stress about the safety of my Car, everything in I own being taken , being held for up to 7 days , to be put on the street sleeping on the sidewalk. Now I wish I could find the way this person is spreading the word so I can defend myself and let them know that they are the real perv and tell them of the charges I could file against them plus the lawsuit I can most likely win. But I’m still seen as the perv and it’s still destroying everything I have left of my sanity. I have also been notified by my attorney handling my SSDI case that it could take up to 2 years to get my hearing and another 6 months if I am granted it another 5 months before I get any money, time I don’t have. Just more hardships I have to endure on my path threw hell. #Depression #hardships #Anxity #MentalHealth #SuicidalThoughts #dispair #SexualDysfunctions #adolescent sexual molestation trauma



It really hurts to see how the most important person in your life goes through a lot of pain on a daily basis.. it really hurts and all you can do is to support