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How do you balance asking for help with an inferiority complex?

It's okay to ask for help. It makes you feel someone cares. It makes you feel loved and worthy.

But at the same time, what if you have an inferiority complex? It shouldn't make you weak, but it makes you think, "I wouldn't have been able to do that if this person hadn't come along." That thought makes me feel weak because, let's face it, it's true. If I run a one-man show, I can only do so much, which is why I should be extremely grateful.

#MentalHealth #Depression  #Anxiety  #CheckInWithMe #Inferioritycomplex


I ll fight and come back

Dear members, I have been fighting with depression, anxiety, panic attacks and claustrophobia. I have a planned c section on 12 Jan 2020. I'm very nervous, anxious and emotional at this moment because I will be leaving my only son for the first time . My husband is very supportive but I don't want him to feel like after all his support I still unable to control my emotions and thinking. I feel like I may panic on operation table. My claustrophobia and feeling of breathlessness will make the process extremely difficult for me. But I am fighting from my mind, my thinking and emotions. I want to win, I want to come back safe and healthy for my son and for the coming new born. I am extremely worried, nervous, anxious and panicky. I want to cry for indefinite period. Want to hold my son but don't want to make him anxious too . My case is not complicated, but I have so many fears, like thanatophobia. I want to be hopeful and cheerful for the new baby and new life. But my mind and emotions don't let me be happy. I want to be fine, I want to see my kids happiness and successes in life. I want to raise them healthy, happy and safe with my husband. But I am crying I don't know why. Today, when I was meeting the anesthesiologist I wanted to cry endlessly. I want to hide somewhere and cry just cry. I don't know what is this feeling. I feel embarrassed and crazy about my emotions. I feel small and inferior, I don't want to seem broken in front of my kids. I want to win I want to come back home with my kids... :'( #Anxiety #PanicAttacks #lackofconfidence #Claustrophobia #Thanatophobia #breathlessness #Inferioritycomplex #EmotionalHealth #Depression


emotionally unstable

With passing time I have become so weak hearted and emotionally unstable that even a minor issue makes me cry. My husband is extremely patient and understanding sometimes he appologizes even when he is not mistaken or has done a minor mistake. But I start to cry and feel like someone so inferior literally shaking from inside. Like all the love and care is slipping from my life. I am unable to control my tears. No matter how hard I try I can't handle my emotions. I feel Inferior and needy for attention, care and love. How should I control my emotions? #Anxiety #Inferioritycomplex #EmotionalHealth

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