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Here's March's #MightyPoets Poetry Prompt

You can now share your original poetry or poetry you love on The Mighty.

March’s Poetry Prompt: “I’m Thanking My Lucky Stars for…”

We’ll be the first to admit that there can be more bad days than good when you live with a health condition or disability. The flare-ups, the dips in recovery, the processing of unanswered questions and failed treatments. But there can be immense power in unearthing the good when the darkness appears infinite.

That’s why, for the month of March, we’re peering through our telescope for poems about the bright spots in your sky. Maybe it’s a person, a place, a feeling or an item that floats you through the tough times like a shooting star. Whatever it may be, your words could be the sparkling constellation another Mighty has been searching for all this time.

If this prompt doesn’t resonate with you, check out the previous month’s prompts below:

  • September 2018: “I am #beyondworthy because…”
  • October 2018: “These are #MySymptoms…”
  • November 2018: “It’s #TheLittleThings…”
  • December 2018: “Sending #WarmWishes…”
  • January 2019: “Poems about #NewBeginnings…”
  • February 2019: “What #Selflove means…”
  • March 2019: “Behind #MyCondition…”
  • April 2019: “Where I #FindStrength…”
  • May 2019: “Poems That #EndTheStigma
  • June 2019: “The Mountains I’ve Climbed”
  • July: “You’re Not Alone If…”
  • August 2019: “If My Health Condition Could Talk…”
  • September 2019: “To the Person Who…”
  • October 2019: “The Masks I Wear…”
  • November 2019: “I’m Thankful for…”
  • December 2019: “A Wish for Next Year…”
  • January 2020: “A Feeling That’s Hard to Explain…”
  • February 2020: “Where I Find Courage…”


Here’s How to Post Poetry on The Mighty:

Start by selecting the Post button in the navigation bar.

post button

  1. In the Post menu, choose Post a Thought. This will open a pop-up window.
  2. If you want, add a title for your Thought in the Title field. Make sure to include the hashtag #MightyPoets.
  3. Write your poem in the Your Thought field.
  4. Don’t forget to include hashtags related to your poem (#MentalHealth, #ChronicIllness, #RareDisease, #Depression, etc.). Including hashtags in your post will make it more likely that the people who follow that topic get to see what you share. Start by typing # then type the hashtag you want to use. You can select an existing hashtag or create your own.
  5. When you’re finished writing your poem and adding your hashtags, select the Post button inside the pop-up window to finish sharing your Thought.
  6. You’ll find your poem in your Profile. People who follow you and people who follow any hashtags you used will see your Thought in their Mighty Homefeed.

Your poem may be shared on The Mighty’s PinterestTwitter, Facebook or Instagram account.

Follow the #MightyPoets page to see more #MightyPoets work on your feed.

Originally published: August 9, 2018
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